I was wondering how anyone can have a FLD. Either you know you are dreaming and have an LD or you dont.
it’s probably that they have been thinking about lucid dreams so much … they act like it’s a LD with powers etc. But they don’t know they are dreaming.
Isn’t it when you don’t realise you’re dreaming but you sort of act as if it were a lucid dream?
The whole concept of a false lucid dream confuses me.
When you have many LD’s in a few time, you get the habit of doing certain things in dreams (for instance, flying, doing magic, etc.) Then you can do automatically lucid stuff and have lucid reactions in normal dreams, so that an external reader of your DJ, for instance, could believe it’s a LD. For instance, you can face Godzilla in a ND and instead of fleeing, start a kungfu fight with it.
Let’s just take an example: the month I had 8 LD’s, I had a ND in which I was with my brother. We were pursued by a policeman… cause we were naked! To escape, I said to my brother that we just had to jump from a high cliff. I didn’t know that we were in a dream but, due to my previous LD’s, I remembered that it was harmless. Now my brother DC didn’t know it, so that he was completely afraid when he found himself falling from 20 meters and he called me all the name while falling (what was an incredibly funny situation!
I have a question that’s been bugging me. I have now had two dreams that smack of being lucid however… I’m not sure if they are. Here’s the deal in my (non-lucid) dream I ‘fall asleep’. I then proceed into a dream within a dream where I discover that I’m ‘dreaming’. However, can it truly be considered a lucid dream when I’m not aware that the dream I’m dreaming in was a dream? I have control over my actions but this technicality has puzzled me.
Oooooooh, that’s a good one ^^.
Well, where you thinking straight in the LD simulation?
And how much control could you exert over the dream?
Well… I don’t think it really matters, because if you have a false LD you can still control the dream, so it doesn’t matters as long as you remember the dream…
Yes, however being unconcious would perhaps limit the clarity of the dream, and the feelings you might have assosiated with the experience, right?
They were both pretty vivid experiences (both with my sister). They were also extremely short so I couldn’t say how much control I had over it. The first one (and shortest) I was curious to see what my arm looked like in a dream so I looked at it. The second one I flew because it seemed like a good idea but I mainly wanted to spend time with my sister DC so… not sure. I just wanted other people’s opinion on it. How else would I know whether or not to add it to my list of LDs?
Hmmm… Did you at the time realise that your sister was a DC?
If you did, as far as I’m concerned you can write in off on your LD stick.
I don’t think I did. Or at least… I didn’t think about it.
If you are not conscious in the dream you don’t control it. You act automatically. It’s not as interesting as regular lucid dreaming in terms of entertainment.
Cherriey. Don’t confuse yourself with the concept of a dream within a dream. It’s the same dream, just a different scene. Like a false awakening, still dreaming. As long as you know you are dreaming, you are lucid.
Once when i was little i had a dream where I was swimming and breathing, and then though holy ****! Ive discovered how to breathe under water, and from then on I went where I wanted and did what I wanted but I hadn’t clued in on the fact that I was really still in my bed, so mabey it was a semi LD or a Faulse LD .
I believe that would be classified as a conscious dream. In one you have a sense being there and it feels much like a lucid dream, but you are not aware that you are dreaming.
Anyway, what you call it is not important.
Lucid - If you know it’s a dream
FLD or Tacit Lucidity - If you have some control over what happens, recognising the situation as unreal but not actually thinking it’s a dream.
I think lots of people, even those who don’t know about lucid dreaming, have had some level of tacit lucidity.
I’ve gone into a dream and just known it was a dream, and controlled what I did. So that would be a lucid dream, right?
I’ve had some FLDs… they can be quite interesting actualy… It’s usualy not that hard to use powers cuz your mind doesnt really realise you’re dreaming and it accepts more easily weird stuff like that.
Don’t know where to post this or to create a new topic: False lucidity…
anyone… please let me know if you had something like this:
It was normal for me just to become lucid, just understand… it happened again, and I was looking around and paying attention to all this nice surroundings created by my brain, was doing anything I wanted to, BUT…
When I woke up, I remembered, that I was describing it to my girlfriend in the sleep, like contacting her from the sleep, also I was following the lined path of the plot, thinking I wanted to, but I didn’t…
Niether I would seriously try to describe my dream to somebody DURING the LD, nor I would follow the plot, my brain played a trick on me…
It told me I am lucid and took over me as I relaxed, would you try to become lucid if you think you already are?..
I hope it will not go worse, my brain seems to be smarter then me.
But on the other hand, I think there is possibility, that if this happens again, I’ll get real lucidity through something…like RC, just to make sure that I’m lucid.
Strange, I was comparing many things during this dream to real life… and everything was a lie, I was telling my girlfriend that the house I see looks so alike with the house we live in, and I know that it was so different, other thing I remembered the number of the apartment where a student from story by Dostoevsky lived, and a lady offered me to stay there, I thought: ha, I would never recall the number in real life, I’ve read it 10 years ago, I didn’t check it, but I am sure it’s just FALSE LUCIDITY TAKES OVER… cause I said it to somebody nearby, and was sirious, and don’t know who it was, and in LD I always see whom I am talking to, and just for fun .
Split from “weird lucid dream!!” in Quest for Lucidity
I only had FLD’s so far.
There has to be a clear difference between LD’s and ND’s, right? All my “LD’s” just feel like ND’s where in I’m behaving like I’m conscious.