
I’ve had several LD’s (couple a week) in the past month, and they’ve all resulted in FA’s. What happens is somehow I realize I’m dreaming (either RC or just realize with no real reason) and the scene immediately fades. I used to try spinning at this point, but that always seemed to make me lose lucidity while taking me to some other scene. So lately I started trying rubbing hands instead (amazing how real it feels), but the dream continues to fade and I always “wake up.” Then I look at my clock for an RC and realize I’m dreaming. Anyway, seems all my LD’s now, while technically starting in different dream scenes, for all intents and purposes start in my bedroom. Does this happen to others? How can I stay in the existing scene or transfer to somewhere better than my bedroom? It’s getting somewhat annoying, although I’m still glad that I’m lucid.

I know exactly what you mean, djv, it happens to me all the time. Unfortunatly, it can be difficult to change your dream scene. Try going outside your house or you can try to incubate a lucid dream in a new scene. Another technique is that when you go to open a door in your LD, try to imagine a new setting just beyond that door. When you open it up, see what happens. Good luck :smile: .

My plan is to dream up a ‘Subtal Knife’ like in the Philip Pullman books so I can cut a doorway into a billion other differnet worlds.:cool: