fear in LD

I had an LD where I was at a tennis court and it was full of people, I remember there was a guy who knew I was in a dream and he was kind of creepy. I ordered all the people to dissapear so I could practice magic. They did, exept the creepy guy and I noticed it was now nightime. Then I saw one of my teachers entering the court, but I knew it wasn’t him, even in the dream, it was like he was possesed or something and I was really REALLY scared. I knew it was just a dream but I couldn’t :help: myself… I ordered him to dissapear but the creepy guy said that it’s either a court full of people or an empty one with him. He was getting closer and closer and I shouted “I’m not afraid of you (such a big lie) , the things that scare us in our dreams are a part of ourself that we won’t accept and I don’t have such a problem.” He stopped, but my dog started barking at me in a very agressive way. That creeped me out even more and I entered another dream.

I knew it was just a dream but I was still really scared… :scared:

[color=darkblue]When I was younger, I’d have a nightmare and it would only seem scary to me. I would explain it to others and they would say that it doesn’t seem scary.

I had a really bad one once when I was 10. I used to sleep in a high bed (around head level for someone not in the bed) so if I were to turn to the right and somebody was stood there, their head would be literally right next to mine.

So- I had this dream where I’m in a shopping centre buying sweets and everyone is paying but without speaking. The women serving doesn’t even look up the whole time. Then I slowely get to the front of the queue. I say what I want and she quickly turns her head to look at me and says “what?” But at that very moment it felt like someone stood by my bed had whispered “what” into my ear!

I jolted awake and I think I screamed! I think this could have been my first kinda OBE experience!

I don’t really have nightmares anymore. Occasionally I still get a one, but its super rare and when I wake up I feel a bit stupid that I was so scared for what seemed like so long over a dream! It doesn’t affect me for a day or two after like it used to when I was a kid…[/color]

I think most of the times you become lucid when you are very affraid if you are not an experienced lucid dreamer

You should have said “You wanna **** with me?! Then come to it!” and you should have run up to him, start beating him with your fists and then demanding him to disappear. If he said “I won’t because I know you’re dreaming” ignore him and tell him “Yes! That’s why I stand over you!” and don’t forget to shout insults at him :grin:

That’s a pretty good approach - but it sounds like you do have such a problem (but so does everybody). Maybe it’d be better to ask him why he’s trying to scare you, or just give the creep a hug… :hugs: …Or take Python’s suggestion :truit: !

I also like pasQuale’s idea of demanding a gift (here it is, in case you haven’t read it…)

The only thing that still freaks me out in lucid dreams is wading or swimming through murky water - because you never know what might be hiding down there… :toilet:

Oh, a right topic to write my… eh…

I was dreaming about world after fall, or something like that. The point was cities was olny like “human farms” and some… thingys was controlling all of us. Between buildings was some green slimy webs, or something other like that. Sky was dark brown, with a lot of clouds. I - like always in that tyep of dreams - was running. I hided somwhere, i was really scared

When i waked up, i heard a breathing noise. :eek: I was shocked, i stopped breating by myself for a sec, to be sure that it’s not coming out from myself. I counted 5 breaths, first one was loudest one. When it stopped, i turned back, there was nothing. :scared:

I think it might be noises from a radiator, or something.
Anyways, i was deadly scared.

And bit more on topic -

Dreams with low lucidicy very often have something with fear. As long we realized that we are dreaming, we are using powers consequent from knowing that we’re draming, but without thinking about it, we can be feared by a lot of things. When thinking “wait, im still dreaming!”, fear goes away.

There is bit diffren it nightmares; While realizing that we’re dreaming, fear is paralyizing, and taking control over powers of dream control.

At least during one of my LDs (don’t remember if it was for any others…) I had a very frantic sense of fear throughout most of it. Since I knew I was dreaming, anything out of the ordinary would actually seem to be out of the ordinary. It might have had to do with me so frantically rushing around in the dream in the first place, hurrying to to something cool while I was still lucid.

It was really cool now that I think about it. It’s the kind of fear you’d get if you were shooting flying zombies with five shotguns while strapped to the top of a free-falling armored garbage truck and listening to explosive rock music…I think.

Yamaha said:

Ouch, I hope I never dream of something like that. I could not help but worry about what happend to the truck when it stoped free-falling. :anx:
More to the topic:
Sometimes our SC has something to tell us. If we use lucidity to avoid the topic, then our SC will just keep bringing it up. This can also be something that the SC puts into the dream that causes us to become afraid. Then the only real soultion is to face the fear and find out what is causing it. Then like Q said, ask for a gift. You will git a gift that is a proper reward for overcoming the fear. That makes the gift very special for you.

When you fear something in a dream, the only thing that your subconscious tells you is that you fear it. Thus any solution which implies modifying your behavior concerning this thing is efficient. You can fight it and it gives you courage, ask it questions and it gives you comprehension, make a friend and it gives you compassion, etc.

I think sometimes we are afraid that we are afraid :tongue:

To be able to take control in dream and resolve scary problem, you first just have to not panic.

Have confidence that you can do something different.

Just like having confidence that you can become lucid :smile:

[color=darkblue]I say all that about no longer having nightmares and then last night, have two of the worst ones I’ve had in ages! Both were horrible.

The first I wake up and my parents are at my bed. Me and my brother didn’t get vaccinated against some disease and bizarrely, our tongues start to fall apart :cool_laugh:
(Yes all my dreams are this weird). I am scared I will lose my tongue as my parents say I may have to have it taken out :eek:

I am scared I will no longer be able to speak! I think the weird disease was referred to as Tymes disease in the dream. Anyway it was horrible.

The second, I dream I am abroad and we found out my sister is dead. Both were absolutely horrible. (Sorry for going off on a tangent).

All this talk of nightmares must have made that happen. I’m going to try to stop talking about them![/color]

I like nightmares, they trigger my lucidity. I had big troubles with nightmares when I was young, and desperately tried to find ways to stop them. I discovered lucid dreams when I was about 7 years old. Since then, everytime a nightmare starts, I know how to deal with it and I never experience fear in dreams.

Even when we’re aware that it’s a dream–I suppose if the dream has enough realism, such as a lucid dream does, an unsual or creepy thing could very well scare us anyways.
I’ve yet to keep myself from running scared when I see big monsters appear in my dreams, especially ones that look diseased or plagued in some way even when I know I could just blow them up or something to get rid of them.
One strategy I use to deal with that is to try detecting as early as possible the appearance of any kind of monster and kill it before it gets too scary for me to fight it. ^^ Next time you meet that creepy dude–try sneakin’ behind other people and reach him before he sees you… and THWACK!! Show him what a tennis racket to the face feels like! ^^ or you could make him implode… or collapse into his shoes hahaha.
But if he already knows you’re there… I would still try losing him in the crowd of people and then sneak attack him :slight_smile:

Hehe, one idea I used recently–though not for a nightmare being, just a very strange and annoying DC:

Drop a whole fish market on the creepy dude!! :slight_smile: lots of good sounds like crashing and smashing–indicating crushing of the target and lots of nice calm silence afterwards hehe and no more creepy dude standing around to scare you.

Don’t mean this consecutive post to be a double post in anyway.
ok, to my reason of quoting this:

Reyna, I commend and respect you for being able to deal with nightmares so well. After all my years of LDing (since I was 5, but didn’t start experimenting a lot until I was 14), I still have a great weakness to scary nightmares when they catch me off-guard. If you have any specific strategies that may further help others and myself in dealing with nightmares and scary encounters during LDs, would you mind maybe posting a topic on that, or just posting a reply in this topic regarding to nightmare/scary stuff defense strategies?

Today i had a LD it was great but then the thing that freaks me out the most appeared aliens so I decided to wake up its seems so stupid why did i do that :sad:

I still feel fear in dreams occasionally, it happens when I percieve something that could actually happen or exist. For example, if a giant lava monster appeared then I would say to myself “OK this could never exist since lava is just molten rock with no consciousness”, then I would become lucid. However, if I saw a killer attack somebody I know then I would think “Oh **** he’s going to kill bob!”, when this happens I can imagine that someone may try to harm bob in real life. The way I get around this fear is to say to myself "how did I get here? Where did I enter this scene? 99% of the time I will realize that I don’t even remember waking up, thus becoming lucid. But still you feel that stab of fear when confronted with certain situations, it’s just human nature.

I think this is a good place to post a funny dream that deals with the topic:

I was standing on the ruins of a bastion overlooking a great crevasse, when out of nowhere a hideous demon girl appears in front of me with a menacing grimace on her face. Well I was shocked and frightened at the sight of her and I recoiled back against the wall. But then I thought to myself “Ryan, how did you get yourself into this mess?” then I realized that I couldn’t remember anything after going to sleep “I must be dreaming”. I laugh at the creature’s rediculous appearance she advances toward me. “What you’re still here?” I say just before I punch her in the head, sending her off the cliff into about a thousand-foot drop. I lean over in time to see the little puff of dust appear at the bottom. That was the funniest moment I have ever had in a dream. :truit: :mirror: :lol:

Dealing with nightmares or creepy LD’s is very simple and I’m surprised that since so many years you didn’t discover how to do.

If your lucidity is good, you know that you’re dreaming. Just the fact of knowing that you’re dreaming is generally enough to stop fear. What danger could represent something which doesn’t exist? Thus, if your lucidity is poor in a frightening LD, you have to increase it, for instance by shouting: “Lucid! lucid! lucid!” until you reach a good lucidity.

Now if you have a good lucidity, then there are two ways of dealing with monsters. The most efficient in my opinion is stopping the cause of them appearing, that is, fear. You just have to realize that it’s a dream and you don’t want to have a unpleasant moment but just fun. Stop fear in your heart. Realize you don’t need it. Realize it’s useless. Realize you have other things to do in a LD than being afraid. Stopping an emotion in dreams is easy in a LD cause emotion change quickly in dreams. Once fear disappears, monsters disappear.

The second solution works very well too, but it’s a consequence of the first. Change your behavior. Running away induce fear for instance. But fighting the monster, or making him a friend, change the emotion. When you act like this, you do no more feel fear, but courage or love. Thus what you face transforms into something different.