I’ve been attempting lucid dreaming and keeping a dream journal faithfully since august 11th. On august 14th I had a break-through of sorts. I had awakened on saturday morning and immediately went back to sleep. I was half-dreaming. I started picturing a place filled with golden-grass. I can’t remember if it was my mind creating a kind of half-dream or if I consciously conjured the image up to become more lucid. I tried to smell the air, and soon it became real. Suddenly I saw a lamp in a tiny spot of light in front of me. The spot grew and I was looking up at a white ceiling with a single bulb in a fixture turned off, as if I was looking up at it from a bed. There was a buzzing sound in my ears and a feeling similar to trying to clear water out of your ears after getting out of the swimming pool. I got excited and tried to wake up but couldn’t right away. The room around me seemed to shake and blur and everything went dark and I woke up.
Since then I had many dreams, but none of them were lucid. It’s as if I know I’m dreaming but I don’t become lucid. I’m aware of the dream but I accept the reality of it and live in it as I would in waking life.
The second time I had another break-through was on the 25th. I woke up at 5:30 am and started falling asleep again at 6:30. I started doing the MILD technique. My mind tried to wonder but I focused and pretended to become lucid in a number of previous non-lucid dreams. I remember random imagery, the last one being a circle of light again. This time it was slightly to my upper-right and inside it was a desk cluttered with books and a cordless phone on top of them. It felt like I was looking down at a desk. Before the circle could enlarge and take up my entire vision, I grew too excited and came out of it.
What should be my approach now? I’ve lost some motivation. I rarely do reality checks any more but I still write down my dreams every morning. I think I will give the reality checking in waking life approach another chance.