I’m new to lucid dreaming and stuff so I have some questions. I’ve read quite a bit on the topic so you can use big words and stuff. I started keeping a dream journal a few days back, and if I dream and wake up I’ll write my dream down but a lot of times I unintentionally fall back asleep and record the dream in the morning. When I wake myself up I can remember everything fine but if someone else wakes me up, I can’t remember anything from any dreams. AT ALL.
I’ve been doing reality checks lately like looking at my watch, testing light switches and locks, jumping, trying to breathe with nose plugged etc.
I tried WILD last night. I decided to go ahead and do it when I first went to sleep and I did the relaxation technique where you tense and relax different parts of your body, and then started counting. Then weird shit started happening. At some times I couldn’t breathe because it felt like some force was pushing down on me, my arms and hands kept tingling and I couldn’t move my legs sometimes. I’m assuming this is sleep paralysis. But one time I couldn’t breathe for 10 seconds so I tried really hard to snap out of it and did. Was I doing this correctly? For a beginner what is the best LDI technique?
Also, occasionally in dreams, some part of me says, “Hey, that isn’t right, that guy is mowing down people with an AK-47 and no one is noticing” but my astral self won’t do a reality check. What should I do to initate this?
My last question is how much perspectiveness you have in a lucid dream. Do you have to tell your residual self-image what to do in 3rd or 1st person, or do you have complete control of your self in 1st and able to make fully conscious decisions.
I feel if I got lucid I would know what to do, (rubbing hands, reality check, don’t get excited, spinning, expect things and so on) But I don’t know how to get there.
When you practice WILD You will feel, see and experience all kind of things as your body is falling asleep. The symptoms you mentioned are very common. I know you felt like you were not breathing but, you were. I know it is hard but you have to ignore it. Once you get over the fear and get used to the different sensations you may feel WILD is really a awesome experience. You were very close BTW !!! You just needed to let go a little more. Check out the big WILD topic for mor info and advice.
Which method should you start with? That is up to you. Everyone is different. ( my favorite is WILD ) What works for one person does not necessarily work for others. I do recommend doing RC and keeping a DJ no mater what technique you try. You can also use different techniques at the same time. Just remember they all work but, they take practice.
What technique do you like the best?
Welcome to the forum
Happy dreaming