I am not bothered by this, but I would love some other thoughts about this.
In the past few days, I haven’t really done any methods, just slept, and woke up. But, in those few days, I have had very long, vivid dreams. I also had 2 or 3 very short lucid dreams.
The first one, I just suddenly knew I was dreaming, and wanted to punch a door. I did, but slowly faded to the real world.
After that, I can’t remember, but I really think there was another lucid dream in here. I actually know there was, but I can’t remember what happened. All I know is that I realized I was dreaming, and ran as fast as I could.
My most recent one, last night, was odd. I was in a dream. Then, I guess the best way to explain it, would be that I fell asleep walking in my dream. I did the hand reality check, and each finger was made of two, smaller fingers. I slowly faded back into my non lucid, but still dreaming state. It was odd.
What do you think I shall try next. Before this, I had been waking up to try some WILD or FILD, but they weren’t working to well.