Fight another person?

If you had a shared dream, and had a fight with someone, who would win? You could both do anything.

It is the one who can control his dreams the best. :wink:

If you’re smart you’d simply kick the other guy and end the shared dream :razz: Hopefully he’d wake up and think he lost.

in a fight between any two people, i would win

This is why we make RULES before we fight, so we can actually determine a winner :razz:

maybe limit to two dream powers each that they agree are fair.

moins is right.but whoever can create stuff with there mind and control it can also win

my favorite is teleporting the enemy and yourself to a field where you have all the advantage

That would be cool. I would clone myself and attack from all directions.

(too bad i cant LD yet…)

Dont be hard on yourself. Get motivated, And you will have a LD

well, i just started, so hopefully I will get one in the next few months.

Good luck.

i would probly use a dbz type move on him which ive done on dream people while i was haveing an accidental LD b4 i knew wut they were

I would point at him and scream “DELUCIFY!” or “KILL!” or something like that.
And if that wasn’t allowed I’d do some matrix moves.

Alrighty, recently i did a test with a friend, and we had a SD and fought each other. It was fun, because things like my standard “KILL!” didn’t work on him. we ended up doing a Neo vs Smith scaled fight, with swords (guns are useless vs LDers) and such.


Do you guys think shared dreaming is possible?

i’ve proved it under a few occasions.