Finally getting somewhere.

It’s pretty amazing how long it took me to do it, but I’m getting close to a LD. I tried doing WILD last night, just for the heck of it, and I got pretty close, I didn’t feel much of my body anymore.

How long has it been? A year?

Good for you :smile:

So, did you get any vibrations? Hypna(was it -gogic or -pompic? *Waits in excitement to see the explanation for this: HI) Imagery? Or any auditory stuff?

You seem close :content:

May the astral and lucid gods be with you on your journey to the unknown :content:

Congrats, WILD is really not a easy thing. AT lest you finally found out method , that seems to work on you.

By The Way; I never got close to dreaming, while WILDing, how was that ? any haluciations ?

It’s a very nice gift to have success with a WILD. Good for you ^^ Keep it up, and a LD will be coming to a dream near you. :happy:

Thanks guys.

This would be -gogic. He experienced this while going to sleep, not while waking up…

congrats mate, just keep on practicing your techs, its becoming easier and easier with every attempt :wink: