Finally Got It!

Well recently my life has been crazy with snowboarding, school and work. So needless to say i was exhausted this week. Yesterday i slept in so in essence i did a WBTB and i became lucid for a little while. I was having this really screwed up dream (it was something cracked out like i was in an inflatable tube, going down a water slide in a wharehouse) at that point i said to myself, i’m dreaming. And i had some control and i changed the dream to a different scene but i forgot what it was. Then i woke up and went to school

Last night i went to bed later than usual and i was just exhausted. I slept right up till 9:45 and was still pretty tired when i woke up. So i threw some laundry in, and then i decided to go back to sleep. Once again i reached a point where i just knew i was dreaming. This time was better because i was able to change certain elements and i was talking to my DC’s to make sure i was lucid.

At some points my dream or DC’s weren’t doing what i wanted, so i went into deep concentration and kinda did a “use the force” thing from star wars (as dumb as it sounds) but i think it helped me to concentrate and then the task would be done. It was funny i was saying explicit things to my DC’s to see their reactions, it was great!

Then towards the end i started hearing my favorite song ( i was really happy, and i remember smiling when i realized my lucidity), and then i had a false awakening. Today i’m supposed to work at 3, and i kept reminding myself to wake up well before that (since it felt like the dream had gone on for hours) and i had a false awakening. I dreamt i was in my bed, looked at the clock and it was 2:30!! I just didn’t want to accept that, and somehow woke up to reality, where it was 11, only 1 hour had passed :smile: And now i feel much, much more rested.

So i’m hoping with some more practice i’ll get better with WBTB, and if i can find some time i’ll try to keep a DJ as well. WILD was getting me close before, however i would feel like i’m falling and accidentally wake myself up very violently. heh, sorry for the long winded post, but i’m really excited!! :content:

Congratulations on your LD!! :cool: I can totally understand why you are so excited. WBTB can be a very good way to get LD’s. I get almost all my LDs from waking up too early in the morning! And you found out the time didnt make sense in the FA either…It will probably be a lot easier to get more of them from now. :cool: