Finger Contest!

How many fingers have you had when you counted them in a dream? My highest was 8…has anyone gone higher? Try it sometime soon (but no cheating!)

Only one time I tried to count them, but as soon as I looked at them they changed into little snakes. Two of them melted together, so if you take snakes for fingers, I had 4 :wink:

Only once or twice I counted seven of them, the other times always six. Or 5, but they were growing and shrinking. :wink:

i’ve never really counted but when i’ve seen my hands they have always been completely normal.

i guess i’m weird :smile:

oh, snakes? :bored: i would be freaked out if i my fingers were snakes. uh…

i think i had 4/hand, but i can’t be sure, cos my hands were so fuzzy looking. and once i had paws. :cool_laugh: though it was so wierd, i didnt get lucid. stupid me. but this has actually nothing to do with the real subject…

I had a non-lucid dream awhile ago where I had some strange growth on the side of my tummy… I poked at it, and it “popped” out into a finger! AHHH! :eek: It was very not cool.

I’m going to have to try counting my fingers in a LD the next time I get a chance.

My hands have always seemed normal in dreams.

Me too, my hands have (most times) looked perfectly normal, and I’ve decided that I wasn’t dreaming because of it. When I was quite obviously dreaming. Stupid hands.

This morning I counted 6 fingers on my hand, and got lucid from it. :cool_laugh:

One time I had 8 fingers on my left hand, 7 of them looked normal, one was a bit … odd. On my right hand I had 6. And I could feel all of them :cool_laugh:

I’ve never stopped to pay longer attention to my fingers. I wonder how cool would it be too actually FEEL 6 fingers. :mmm:

if i can remember well enough…whenever i would stop and look at my fingers i would never b able to count them ! …im not sure why tho ! :eh: …sometimes they would be kinda too blury and couldnt count them