Last night I had my first awesome LD since I had first started. I had actually gained full control and was able to fly and do crazy ariel manuevers! Best of all, I enhanced the clarity of the dream, I prolonged it by spinning, and it lasted about 15-20 minutes! With awesome LD’s like that it just makes me want to keep going and see how far I can progress! :cool_laugh:

Congradulations!! :grin:

Everyone come and celebrate at the lucid bar! :smile: :wink:

lol, I think next time I have an LD I’m going to have a full bar there. That would be pretty fun! :grin:

Impressive LD! Congratulations! :happy:

Yeah next time we’ll drink on that :beer: :content:

Good luck with your next LDing!

Thanks! Hopefully next time I will have some DC’s and we can all drink to a succesful LD! Hopefully it will be tonight.

wooohooo! good job! Lucid dreams are great. I can’t wait until my next LD either!

Thanks! Also, congrats on your LD. I read about it in the other thread. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend for me!

What technique did you use to induce the lucid dream?
I find WILDs tend to last longer than DILDs

I use MILD coupled with frequent RT during the day. I’m going to try to use WILD, because I have done it a few times where it transfered over to the dream world on accident. For right now I’m going to stick with MILD because I’m still a bit of a newbie. Its only my second week.

i had a normal dream that i was drunk the other day… tried to see if i could jump the fence but i when i did i kept on tumbling over and over and over… Then i herd voices saying “Help him hes drowning!!”
i wasnt tumbling but drowning in a pool, lol… i died and woke up in a panic…

i should stop drinking
but what i am trying to say is congradulations!

Thumbs Up!.. you made me soo jealous :razz:

thank you