I’d like to discuss an experience I had last night. It wasn’t a lucid dream, but it was very strange. Please feel free to answer the questions I will have afterwards. Here goes:
I was exhausted, but couldn’t really fall asleep. My body was tired, but my mind was restless. I just decided to lay there, hoping to just doze off. Before I realize it I’m walking down the corridor of my work place. A few things seem abnormal about the layout of the building, but nothing to spur lucidity. Then I see a friend of mine, Alberto, which is strange because he’s a security officer at the local library. He’s dressed rather sloppily, a total 180 from his normal appearance. As I think to myself, “This isn’t right”, the whole scenario shrinks to the size of a small white dot. It’s as if the whole scene was sucked into a vacuum. Now I’m semi conscious, never quite realizing I had actually fallen asleep. I lay there, my eyes closed. All of a sudden I can’t move, and my body starts to vibrate. I can hear a crackling sound like static electricity in my ears. I become more confused than scared. At this point the vibrations grow louder, and so does the crackling noise. I could tell I was on the verge of something but I don’t know what. I continue to lay there, confused, not knowing which direction to take this discovery. A few minutes later the vibrations and noises cease and I was able to move again. I can only guess at what happened, but I think I had almost fallen asleep consciously.
Can anyone shed some light on this? This is my first breakthrough and I’m anxious to progress. Is there a proven method for falling asleep consciously? I’d really appreciate some feedback from you guys as soon as possible.