First Breakthrough! (Need some help though)

I’d like to discuss an experience I had last night. It wasn’t a lucid dream, but it was very strange. Please feel free to answer the questions I will have afterwards. Here goes:

I was exhausted, but couldn’t really fall asleep. My body was tired, but my mind was restless. I just decided to lay there, hoping to just doze off. Before I realize it I’m walking down the corridor of my work place. A few things seem abnormal about the layout of the building, but nothing to spur lucidity. Then I see a friend of mine, Alberto, which is strange because he’s a security officer at the local library. He’s dressed rather sloppily, a total 180 from his normal appearance. As I think to myself, “This isn’t right”, the whole scenario shrinks to the size of a small white dot. It’s as if the whole scene was sucked into a vacuum. Now I’m semi conscious, never quite realizing I had actually fallen asleep. I lay there, my eyes closed. All of a sudden I can’t move, and my body starts to vibrate. I can hear a crackling sound like static electricity in my ears. I become more confused than scared. At this point the vibrations grow louder, and so does the crackling noise. I could tell I was on the verge of something but I don’t know what. I continue to lay there, confused, not knowing which direction to take this discovery. A few minutes later the vibrations and noises cease and I was able to move again. I can only guess at what happened, but I think I had almost fallen asleep consciously.
Can anyone shed some light on this? This is my first breakthrough and I’m anxious to progress. Is there a proven method for falling asleep consciously? I’d really appreciate some feedback from you guys as soon as possible.



You were on the verge of having an OOBE.It’s like a LD,but it’s a lot better as I’ve been told.

As to the answer for you second question,yes,there is a way to fall asleep consiously.WILD’s usually happen after you’ve already had your first dreams.There a lot of topics about WILDs already going on.

Thanks for your input. Personally I believe an OBE would’ve been too intense for me at this point in my learning. I need more experience at falling asleep consciously. I’ve just started reading about WILD’s and although I think it requires more concentration, that is the method I’ve decided to go with. Besides, if I fail and lose consciousness, I can always try to recognize my dreamsigns. That gives me two shots a night to become lucid :D) . Thanks again for your reply.


If you wake yourself up a few times during the night, you can have more than just two chances at becoming lucid. :happy:

Two cents.

Sounds like sleep paralysis to me. When you get it again just close your eyes and relax and think about leaving your body or some dream scene, since your body is only paralysed during REM sleep it should be easy to fall back into a dream.