First Ld and some questions

Hi everyone,
last night i had my first induced LD using the WBTB method. I slept from 1 am to 4 am and woke up by my alarm. Then i went out of bed and surfed the net and ld4all :content: After ten minutes i put my mp3 with the LucidRemix audio which says : “I am aware that i’m in a dream” and things like that. Then i fell asleep and in my dream i heard that voice and said to myself: Wait a moment… thats the voice of the mp3 but im not awake… and then i did a reality check, i jumped in the air trying to fly but i just levitated 1 meter above the ground. That’s all i can remember. After levitating a bit i woke up because i was too excited to continue dreaming.

I wanted to ask if that’s the right way to induce LD’s and how i can stop becoming so nervous and waking up. I read about the spinning method but i had no time to do it i just woke up.

Hope you can help me :smile:
Ps: Do you think from now it will be easier for me to be aware that i’m dreaming?
See ya

Well i’ve only had one ld for years and that was my first try last night and had a few second LD anyway what i’ve heard is to stay calm thats all i know.

Hi I’m new at this too, and I think that you’ll have more lucid dreams easier now. But when you do and right when you realize your lucid instead of trying to do things like fly first you should calm yourself down and just keep repeating to yourself that your dreaming or shouting increase lucidity so like you said don’t get too excited and wake up. and maybe do another reality check so that you really are aware that you’re dreaming and do cool things for a longer amount of time after that.

First Lucid dreams generally suck, but you got lucid. Congrats. :smile:

Anyway, with enough practice, you will have more.

I think that if WBTB over four hours works for you, then by all means do that.

When you first become lucid, stabalize yourself in the dream. You can do this using a variety of methods. One that works especially well for me is rubbing my hands together, but there are others. Like spinning, for instance, or yelling, “INCREASE LUCIDITY!” Find something that works for you, as it is different with everyone.

It may seem a long ways away now, but once you get to a stage where you can last within the dream for a good minute, you may already be at that level, I don’t know, you will want to focus on your surroundings. Pay special attention to sight, the ground beneath you, the walls, the sounds, the smells of your dream. It will stabalize and sharpen it 100%. But that is still a little while away, so just focus on the basics first.

In my first LD the first thing i did was make sure to stay calm, and i really thought about. I think instead of immediately flying or whatever just really think about what is going on and how everything is just your imagination. Once you have a full understanding that you are in a LD, you should calm down

Thank you for all the answers :content:
The next time i have a LD i will try to understand first calm down and increase my lucidity when i stop being nervous. :cool:
The problem is that the method which worked for me was WBTB and in the week (school days) i don’t sleep so long as at week ends so i won’t have the time to do a good WBTB + MILD like i did that night. Could anyone give me an advice of which method i should use in school days so that idon’t have to wake up in the middle of the night? Thanks again :wink:

Ps: I used WBTB + MILD because i tried only MILD for a week before and it didn’t work at all. I had no DR when waking up, and sure no LD’s

luckier than me.
any day, even if i have all the time in the world to sleep and do a WBTB + MILD or WILD or whatever i still dont have any lucid dreams.