Hey guys, I’m new here. I have been trying to LD for 2 days and had one last night! wooh.
I used WILD (I think), I woke up at about 6am and went back to sleep repeating, ‘I am dreaming’, or something along those lines when all of a sudden I could hear a high pitched noise and suddenly I became estatic! I was literaly shaking. I managed to calm myslef down and got out of bed (In the dream), I did a reality check on a piece of paper that said ‘Dream?’ and… I was in a dream . Unfortunately the dream was very short.
So, the dream was weird becasue It was in my bedroom (duno if that’s normal) and I was in bed, I did the reality check and got up. I then pondered on what to do (I know, I was kind of overwhelmed) so I tried going through a wall, woohoo, but bounced of lol. I then tried to fly but could not hehe.
I then…woke up
Well atleast I’m heading in the right direction! I’m nearly there.
Does anyone have any tips that you think may help.
(The dream ended suddenly, I could not spin.)
Congrats on your first LD!
I’ve always noticed when you’re starting to wake up, detail in your dream starts to fade. And the edges of your vision beocme darker. Next time as soon as you become lucid start rubbing your hands and tell yourself “This is my dream, it will last as long as I want it to” After you feel comfortable spin =D. Spinning tends to bring you to some awesome places.
And only two days of trying, good job It took me months xD
Hi n12k,
and welcome to ld4all,
It sounds to me like a WILD. Some people call it an OOBE if you “got out of bed” in the dream. They say that if you can see yourself in the bed, then it is an OOBE.
Other then that, it sounds like a typical first LD. I was so excited to get my first LD after learning what they were, that my dream also ended right off. I even remembered to spin, lost my balance and fell agenst the wall. Then I woke up in bed, no pain, no more LD.
Just keep at it and you will get better.
Lol isn’t it funny how the best part about things we strive to do is the part before we do it? You are so happy thinking “this is gonna be great” then it sucks. The first time for all things we strive to do suck! Lucid dreams, drinking (The hangover seems to stick out more than the being drunk part ) losing your virginity…rofl.
Luckily it gets better! ( all of it)