I just read another post that helped me confirm whether I really had a LD last night or a FLD and I’m sure it was a LD but it wasn’t as satisfying as I’d hoped but I guess we can’t all have wonderful first LD 's! Don’t get me wrong, I was elated when I realized I achieved lucidity (both in the dream and upon remembering it), it just seems like I didn’t have 100% awareness or perception.
I awoke after my first REM stage of the night to use the bathroom and as I was getting ready to go back to sleep, the memory of my LD suddenly hit me. I remembered that I was having a bad dream but can’t recall exactly what it was, but I remember that suddenly I realized I was dreaming and said to a DC that was walking next to me, “Hey! It’s okay, I’m dreaming! This is just a dream, nothing can hurt us now!” and immediately got happy and I think I started running around like a happy dog or something and then I tried to fly like I didn’t really think about doing it, it was just a natural impulse that as soon as I became lucid I should try to fly but I couldn’t achieve flight so I gave up on that and I know I didn’t do an RC because I know I was dreaming or it just didn’t occur to me to do one. I’m glad the sudden excitement didn’t wake me up immediately but at the same time I didn’t have the increase of visual perception that I’ve read about but maybe that’s something my subconscious has to create somewhat consciously.
I don’t think I awoke so soon because of being lucid awakening me but because most nights I usually awaken after my first REM stage to use the bathroom and that’s when I remember most dreams. I didn’t recall anymore the rest of the night and I’m quite lucky that I recalled my first LD because my dream recall has been quite poor lately, maybe only two a week. But now that I’ve had one I know I can do it and look forward to having another one and achieving control.
And now that I’ve had a LD I find it amazing that we are able to LD at all because the “dream me” seems so dumb compared to the “real me”. I’ve read other posts that support this…the dream us seems to do bizarre things, even when lucid. It’s like even though I knew I was lucid it was based more on actions than actual thought…I can’t wait to have more and see if I can increase my consciousness and control and the longevity of my LD s. And my recall, of course! I’m sure I’ve never had one before and forgotten it because I really think I would’ve remembered it before…the joy I felt at realizing I was dreaming was definitely a new feeling, like a light bulb suddenly came on over my head.
By the way, it’s taken me about seven weeks to achieve lucidity, so even though I was impatient at first, it could be worse, it could’ve taken me six months! Go me!