Hey guys, it’s been awhile! I’ve been so busy with moving into my new place at school (UBC) and what not that I haven’t really been able to make it on here or even focus on LDing like i was over the summer break. But I have good news! Two nights ago I had what I believed to be my first LD!
I was ice skating in a relatively small rink in the middle of darkness. The rink was lit up however, not with lamps though. It was just light i guess. And there was a little boy there with me and I believe another woman. All around the rink was deep deep powder snow. It was pretty cool actually. Beyond the snow was just unknown… Pitch dark. Sort of like in video games when you haven’t explored a section of the map and it appears dark on the radar. The little boy came up to me and was saying how he wanted to go out there, but it was to dark. I decided that it was no problem, i’d just make an energy ball that i would be able to throw out and it would light the area with white light. This is where I start to get lucid. I’m looking at my hand (which btw, this is the second time i’ve looked at my hand in a dream and it was normal. Maybe the hand RC just doens’t work for me) and I’m thinking to myself “create and energy ball” and it starts to form!! this is awesome because i’m not lucid yet, but I guess i just somewhere in my mind know that it’s a dream adn that i can summon things like this. Then i realize that it’s not normal to be able to summon energy balls and I became fully aware!! But my dream started to fade. So I started rubbing my hands like everyone says to do. It worked a bit but not enough. I remember thinking that I hope my hands aren’t actually rubbing in RL because if my roommate is up, he’s going to think that i’m jerkin it. haha. Then I woke up. But I wasn’t in my room. I was in a really posh looking room with a fireplace and to big red sort of king’s chairs. Ppl were sitting in them watching me. Probably because my fear of someone seeing my rubbing my hands on my blanket. I became lucid again, but just to be sure went for the nose plug. I could breath, but it was like i was breathing in and my nose was stuffed. It cracked and was a tough pull. I then woke up again, in my room. It was very short lived but certainly exciting!!
And then last night I had another LD experience, but i don’t remember what happened I just remember being happy that it happened!
It seems like focusing less on LDing is allowing me to just do it. These past couple of nights have been interesting because my mind is expecting it and just making it happen all on it’s own almost. Sick.