(Note- I didn’t post this in the Dream Jounral section as I have a few questions)
Last night was my first real LD, and not one of those pre-lucid moments that tease me so. Before I went to bed I had my normal banana, cup of hot milk, and Vitamin B complex (contains 75mg of VB6.) While the dream itself wasn’t really that satisfying, the experience itself was great.
OK firstly, I was having some pretty vivid dreams that night. I took my “dream food combo” at 1:30am, and packed it in at 3am. I felt bad that night since I didn’t do very many RCs during the day and I didn’t really read much on lucid dreaming like I normally do before I go to bed. In bed I started flexing/tensing my muscles to get more relaxed. I figured I would do some MILD for a bit, then just relax and think about dreams to get me nice and tired, and then practice my WILD when I started to get really drowsy. Of course this failed miserably and I ended up falling asleep while thinking of something completely off topic.
At 7:30am my watch alarm went off. It does this every single night, but it never wakes me up. For whatever reason it did this night, and to boot it was on top of my dresser. Grumbling, I went to go turn it off without knowing that I had just created a perfect WBTB set up. The alarm interrupted a dream I was having where I was in a small room with my friend and many people. Apparently it was during a “dance.” In my dream I saw this girl who had a huge crush on me who I had done a pretty sloppy job of shaking her off (which I’ve always felt pretty bad about it.) In the dream I pretty much snuffed her just like in real life.
When I returned to bed after turning the alarm off I drifted back to sleep very quickly. Right away I hit that stage where you’re not quite sleeping yet not quite awake. This is what I found quite interesting. In this stage I saw what looked like a green and yellow barcode. It had 7 bars. I then heard, and felt something that I can only describe as an alien entity. I felt like it was talking to me, and that this wasn’t just a dream. It said that it was manipulating my brain waves to make me hit my dream state right after this conversation. He said I owed that girl. It then told me to “focus on the 4th of the 7 bars.” I focused on that bar, and BAM I was in a dream and instantly knew I was lucid.
Now first of all, that alien thing sounded extremely cheesy to my dream self. However even then I could appreciate the fact that my subconcious created this scenario that made me lucid (That was WILD right?) In my dream I was in the exact same room as my previous dream, except it was empty save the fact that it had the girl in the middle of it. This is where I lost some of my lucidity, as I went to talk to her. I don’t remember much of what happened during the conversation. After it I either woke up or had a False Awakening. Either or, I was able to fall back asleep almost instantly, and a voice said to me “Now you can become lucid whenever you want.” I found that kinda neat, seemed I had lucid dreaming on the mind enough there! Right after that I was in the same dream room and lucid again. It was just me in it. I started to walk around the room marvelling out how real things looked.
I didn’t say anything at first in the dream, as my dreamself was afraid that it would make me talk in real life and cause too much noise. I tried whispering, and could barely hear it. I put my arm in the air, and said “Increase volume!” several times, and each time it made things louder. After that I left the room, and walked into a totally brown hallway. I checked out two rooms (both were totally brown, and one had 6 walls.) I found the brown to be quite boring, so I closed my eyes and thought that things should change. When I opened them all the walls were a crazy neon color with black zig zags everwhere. (Note- I’m so surprised at how easily I made things change in this short dream. Is this normal?)
I walked down the hall, and lost most lucidity again when I met 3 people. I woke up shortly after. Out of this experience, I can’t wait to have more so I can practice. Like, it was a pretty short dream, and I did a lot of things I wouldn’t normally do if lucid when I lost lucidity (I didn’t add these “things” in my posts for certain reasons…). However it felt so… impressive when it happened.
Sorry for such a long post, but it’s so great to get one finally. To those who haven’t had one yet, DON’T GIVE UP!. I was starting to wonder if they were worth all the fuss, but now that I had one myself, despite the dream itself being quite lame, I know it’s worth it. And the thought that my control over the dreams and the vividness will only get better is a great motivation for me to keep trying for more.