First LD this morning!

The dream began with me swimming in a large body of water, I think it was an ocean. I came to surface to breathe and I thought I was a whale. I then realize I didn’t even put my mouth or nose out f the water to breathe. So i went under water to do a RC.

The RC worked but as soon as I realized it was a dream, everything got dark and I woke up. It only lasted about 5 seconds. But I am still happy. :smile:

Congratulations. Yeah my first LD via reality checks was only about 10 seconds long and it definitely wasn’t my best. Just wait till you have your first prolonged LD… ur almost there… its going to blow ur mind lol

nice , that’s the way to start ; )

congratulations! :clap:

i had my first LD yesterday and i woke up after 5 seconds

congrats :grin: :thumbs:

even the smallest of LDs are amazing experiences unlike anything you can feel in RL