it was DILD
before i went to sleep i wrote on my palm “you are dreaming”
i was in a dream and sure enough looked at my hands to see what i wrote IRL! then i got lucid. my friends were standing nearby
and i thought to myself “this is so real…”
then i woke up
next time ill try to rub my hands
but its a start!
try what i did maybe it’ll work for you let me know
I tried this last night. I didn’t look at my hand, but at one point in the dream I did realise I was dreaming, so maybe writing it on my hand had the same sort of effect as MILD. Another good thing about this method is, because you’re (hopefully) looking at your hand, you’re doing an RC at the same time. So even if you miss the writing, you might notice your hand looking weird, or might remember to do another RC. And also if you keep the writing on your hand during the day, it reminds you to do RCs (kept looking at it in class ) Anyways, just my 2c.