First LD without even trying!

I spent 11pm-12pm last night talking to my friend about scary stories, and of course reading them on the internet. We also had conversations about SP as well. The next day was a Sunday so I figured I could sleep in.
Well after talking, I decided not to try WBTB because knowing me when I woke up the scary stories would probably give me HI or something and I’d never get back to sleep.
So I fell asleep normally, and had quite a normal dream. It wasn’t until a part of my dream where I read out a really beautiful poem my dream-self had wrote. I said to myself without even realising at first: “I wish I wasn’t in a dream, that way I could write out this poem and put it on my website.” A few seconds later the concept came to me and I realised I was dreaming. Sadly, I had very little control so just continued with the flow of the dream. Still, it was cool to have my first LD! :content:

congratz! had my first LD last night too:D

Cool, congrats to you as well! :smile:

So, congrats for you both :tongue: Last night i first time had DC, that said me that im dreaming :smile:, everyone can be happy about something :tongue:

cool your a natural, keep trying