When i have my first LD what should i do when it happens?
I would like to know because it might happen any day now! (you never know)
Thanks in advance!
The important thing is to keep calm and not get over excited.
Do what I did, but do more of it. Read all about ideas on what to do in LDs. Read how to stay in your LD. Read everything. Then do reality checks all the time in Real Life. You won’t remember what you want to do in your LD unless it is burried deep in your brain.
you should fly… flying’s my favorite dream activity.
i keep a list of things i wanna do in a dream on a post-it note stuck to my computer. i’m currently working on walking through walls (i’m hit or miss with that) and force lightning (you know that the bad guys used in star wars) which i haven’t got to work yet
I’m just beginning learning about LD’s and such, but I already have such a gigantic list of to-do fantasies. I just hope I haven’t blown it out of proportion and assigned myself impossible tasks (for example, one fantasy is to create a new planet and enslave all of the inhabitants). But I suppose we all have the rest of our lives to work on them, eh.
Well… if you want to create a enw planet and inslave everyone there… that’d take a bit of time… and alot of practice…
More like pass or hit owch