I will skip the wierd stuff at the begining,for your sake.
the good part started when I was on a wooden bridge.
this half squid, half human guy came out of the water and attacked my house. I was not scared for some reason,then it hit me, I was dreaming, so I turned into a velociraptor (I was watching juraassic park 1 earlyer) and I cased him around until my internal alarm clock sounded.
congrats fishdabaz!! that sounded fun!
Congratulations, fishdabaz. You must be excited and eager to have another one.
Did you see the Chtulhu or however the heck it’s spelled? Anyway, congrats. I still can’t manage to damn LD…
Congrats on the LD
As I said to someone else a little while ago, this is the start of something huge and wonderful.
never been a raptor, sounds kinda fun…
congradulations and all that.
i wonder what fun kinds of lizards or creatures from black lagoons i can guest spot in a few dreams to come… interesting notion.
keep it up!
The Great Cthulhu? That’s me!
Sorry for having attacked your house. I haven’t do it on purpose…
I also had my first lucid dream (aside from an accidental young one)last night. I’m pretty pleased with myself as of late.
Congrats, lehigh nagy!
well done fishy! i know how u feel cos i had my first 1 in years last night, probably because i have been reading about it and stuff recently and i rembered to do a reality check! i looked at the writing in a book and it disappeared-i cant beleive i remembered to do it. then i tried to fly and meet someone but i couldnt do either, oh well i’ll improve, i was really excited it was so cool, hope i get another soon! good luck with yours! luv dani x
thanks every one… but I dont actualy know if I turned into a raptor… I might have just grown fangs, because I did not feel different as far as
I can remember