First MILD success, but horrid dream recall.

I just woke up this morning and rushed to the bathroom… Boom dream memory wiped clean again. That happened most all mornings last week, almost zero Dream recall. However I was smoking my first cigarette, when a short fragment came back, how could I forget: I SUDDENLY REALISED I WAS DREAMING, then saw a woman got funny ideas but started to doubt I was really dreaming, I didn’t think about a RC unfortunatly, so I might have lost lucidity again, but the fragment ends then so I’m not sure.
Anyways this is my first (remembered) MILD success and I’ve only started about a week ago! WOOHOOO!
I really hope my dreamrecall gets better though. I just don’t seem to think about dreams untill I’ve allready hoppped out of bed. I know you’re supposed to lay still and think about them, but when I just woke up I’m only busy getting back to sleep, not thinking about dreams. :sad:


Congrats! :thumbs: Glad you got MILD to work, most of mine have been DILDs and VILDs. Are you keeping a DJ? That should help with your recall.

SouljahdeShiva congrats! You can try a bit of auto-suggestion to increase the chances that 1st thing you do when you wake up is think about remembering dreams. Repeat a few minutes when you go to sleep, something in the lines of “when I wake up this morning, I will remember my dreams”… might work.

Congrats SouljahdeShiva! :clap: A first LD after one week! That’s great! :cool_laugh:
I agree with Xetrov. A bit of autosuggestion will be certainly helpful.

To have success with MILD (no matter how brief) is great after such a short time, and in my opinion you should stick with this method for a while, but try to combine it with the wake/back to bed method. This is very likely to increase your success rate dramatically. The fact that you were smoking a cigarette when you remembered your dream is not surprising to me as nicotine has an amazing effect both on dreams and dream recall. There is a topic in “shortcuts to lucidity” entitled “nicotine” and you may want to read this if you haven’t already.

Congrats, maybe you should make a mark somewhere in your room to remember you must still in bed trying to recall the dream. Like a sign that says: “stay there and recall your dream”, something like that…

i am a bit affraid of auto suggestion!
when trying to wild, i can somehow feel what a huge universe there is inside each of our minds. I was doing it, and instead of positive messages like “I can do it.” i was sending my self insecure messages like “Can I do it?”
i would do a lot of LDing and meditation before i would go into auto-suggestion. I think it can be very harmfull!
Don’t you agree?


I’m definetly gonna try auto suggestion, I tried it last night and at least remember remembering my dream when I woke uip in the middle of the night, but went back to sleep after tossing and turning so this morning only fragments remained.
I allready keep a dreamjournal on my pc but I’m gonna keep a paper one for notes next to my bed, think that should help cause I can then write dreams down when still in bed. And hopefully I’ll think about dreams the moment I wake up. I’m also gonna try setting my alarm to wake me up after some hours, so I can do WBTB and hopefully wake up right after a dream.
Also I’m making a habit of reality checks. Doing them very intently, seriously questioning wether or not I’m dreaming.

And phatidico, I don’t think auto suggestion is really dangerous. I think we do it all the time to some extent just by thinking, learning to think positive will help you in all areas of life. Try and be more confident and optimistic when talking to yourself.

BTW, I think I just found the reason for my horrid dream recall. I smoke pot alot, though I’m trying to kick it. I just read that really hurts your dream recall, so there’s the answer. Another good reason to quit/limit smoking it.

I don’t agree at all! :grin: Autosuggestion methods are absolutely safe. (Of course, it could be dangerous if someone autosuggests crazy things, like “I’m going worse and worse”, but in this case, it would mean above all that the one who does this is not very safe himself :crazy: … not the method!)
I’m using autosuggestion for years in order to have a best dream recall and have LD’s, and there’s absolutely no trouble. Moreover, most of DILD methods use autosuggestion (visualizing yourself becoming lucid, repeating “I’ll realize I’m dreaming”, etc.), these methods have been found out by psychologists (Pr Laberge, Pr Tholey), most of the LD’ers use them, and no one ever told he has the faintest problem.

WOOHOO I did it again!

I dreamed I was at school and I guess that triggered the realisation. I did a reality check (pinched my nose to see if I could breath, was rather weird when I could breath with my nose pinched.) and became violent on this kid that was annoying me. Sorry to say I did little cool lucid stuff, I just stayed there being violent untill I woke up after a couple of minutes. Hey I’m just glad I’m making progress. I guess I should make a plan of cool stuff to do when becoming lucid.

Also my dreamrecall is indeed alot better when I haven’t smoked pot, I’m thinking about giving up on the pot all together. Also smoking tobacco before going to sleep, or when doing WBTB seems to help my dreamrecall alot.

That’s a good idea. If you don’t, you generally make stupid things, or you even don’t know what to do. :grin:
Congrats on you 2nd LD! 2 LD’s in 4 days, that’s great! :good: