Flashes of Light, the HI effect!

Hey guys, i’m adding another crap LD to my count just now because yet again I woke up after about 6 hours of sleep, still tired I went back to sleep again…

I was having a normal dream where I was looking at some items in a shopping center and then I thought to myself “am I dreaming” …actually I was more thinking “can I control this scene?” because, things weren’t going my way… and then! I thought “i’m dreaming”. Sadly, right after that I had that being pulled sensation (just a bit, this time) and the scene was fading away, getting blurry/dark and then I thought ok i’m going to WILD now. I start looking through my eyes with my eyelids closed and I saw a flash of light! I even heard a sort of ‘electric’ pulse sound at the time when it flashed. Half a second later, it happened once again… I then couldn’t manage to keep my eyes closed … dangit, from there I woke up.

Well, I think that was HI… or was it something else?


But don’t worry, it shouldn’t do anything bad.

Just keep yourself calm, and don’t try forcing your eyes… You will see how quick you can forget about it.

Hey i’m not worried… I think it was awesome. I wouldn’t mind it happening again, it makes me feel like i’m getting somewhere at least hehehe.

Nice, you are near to it by getting HI, and nearer by believing it’s related.
LDing is so easy as you think, your hope is the most important, but some people here may forget about saying that.
Believing on success is great when handling your own brain.

If you were in the dream why didn’t you try rubbing my hands. That’s what I did in my first LD last night and it worked. I also spun around and yelled Gain Lucidity :smile:

Oh well. Just what worked for me.

Flashes of light are not HI :bored: They are just random fireings of the light receptors in your eyes. HI are images. If the flashes of light turn into faces, or anything else, then that is HI.
That does not change the fact that you are getting closser to success with WILD. You do need to learn to remain calm and stay relaxed. As you continue you may expeance things that are more extream than that. They also just mean that you are getting closser. :smile: Each step brings you closer to a successfull WILD.
Good luck,

Oh… thanks guys.

I was not trying to say that you are not getting there, just to clear up the terminolgy.
You were close, and it sounds like you will make it if you keep working at it. There are people who have been trying for months and havn’t gotten as far as you. The sound was probly audio HH.

According to the tibetan buddhists, a white flash may appear at the very moment when you fall asleep. So, as don said, it’s a sort of phosphene, not really HI.

Ive had those exact flashes with sounds youre talking about. I tried looking what they were on google but found nothing. They always happened when I was first trying to go to sleep, be it a nap or late at night. I have noticed that whenever I am startled by a sound I see the light flash and hear a short loud twang. This has happened to me atleast 3 days in the past month.

I just started reading about dreams and LD this past week and experienced my first this afternoon so I dont think it had anything to do with my prior knowledge.