Floating Feeling

Ok I was trying to have a WILD and was concentraing on my third eye. After awhile I felt my arms and middle and legs start to float about six(?) inches in the air! Well I felt some weird but nice vibrations first. Well I continued to concentrate and tryed to roll out of my body, I also tryed to pull myself out. No luck nothing… I would eventually get curious amd try to touch the bed or something and would come out of it. So I started over and after awile it would happen again but that is as far as I got. I ended up just falling asleep. What am I doing? someone please help. I feel very close to having a WILD. Thanks in advance!!

sounds more like u were going to have an oobe than a wild. But i know what you are going through i went through the same thing while useing the wild method. and her is what i did to fix it.

dont do anything. I never rooled out of my body and i think i know why. I was trying to hard and this kept me awake and me trying to roll out actally kept me awake for i wanted to actally do it. doing this i end up spending the whole nigt awake and sleep very badly. I have done it once so dont hold my word to but dont try and roll out just let ur self float into the dream world. This takes pratice and i cant do it because i get fed up and than hunry :sad: so i have to get up and eat lol it is not fair


I agree - sounds OBE to me !!! When I have come out it is always fwd and up. However a few nights ago I floated out (without vibration this time) but my head got stuck in my physical head and I was upside down feet towards ceiling. I had the physical feeling in my head but otherwise could feel this upside down floaty body.

When you feel partially out, instead of trying to touch things in the physical …try picturing yourself coming out.