fluent french speakers wanted

Rumour has it that a french LD4all is being developed :grin:

Ofcourse the french LD4all forum needs french LD4all mods. So, are you a fluent french speaker, and a LD4all member, please PM me, and tell me why you would be a good moderator.

Don’t call us, we’ll call you :wink:

Also, I really would like to have a french version of the main site as well. If you would like to help out translating it, please let me know!

LD4all en français?!!?? :grin:

*Josh runs off to practise his french…

At last, yaaayyy !!! :cheer: :partying_face:

I thought it would never happen… :tongue:

I’m french, I’m fluent, I love Ld4all, I’ll send you a PM. :grin:

Q, will you also need someone to keep an eye on the salon de tchat? :smile:

Mon Dieu !

Pas un forum français aussi !

Je ne peux pas parler français.

No really I can’t, as you can probably tell. :tongue: