Food Testing

i’d say that the food will mostly effect you if you enjoy it to stimulate your body chocolate is one of thoese comfot foods so it should relaxation and enjoyment, i bet if someone said (insert worse food) would give you a LD it would not because of your liking of that food. ive been taking multi vitimins over the past week B6 B12 and a load other are included mainly becuase my diet has sucked for the past 2 weeks and on coming chirstmas food (yummy), yet ive noticed no change.

Also on a side note if you are aware of the little yogert drinks they have floating about i tried them for a month solid and the only change i noticed was that i was getting up at 8 every morning to go drink it lol.

Iam in no way saying it won’t work that it may just be a personal preference and maybe even a one off event if you do have a LD.

Any way good luck, also i never knew corn was so good for you its like the superman of veg!

Ok I’m gonna try and start this again so somebody tell me what to eat before I go to bed tonight.

err…i dont know what about cheese have you tried that? I heard it gives you really wacked out dreams but inducing lucidity I dont know.

I ate a banana before going to bed, last night. I didn’t notice any change (I eat one every morning, maybe it’s due to that?) but I dreamt of eating it as well, with the taste and everything.