forgotten LD recalled.

I woke up feeling a bit confused… i know something happen that was important for me to recall, so i had let myself ponder on those thoughts and suddenly
i recalled a Lucid dream.

I had a Dream Character tell me to look at my hands… he asked is something wrong with them?
“wrong?” i said confused… my friends know i practice Lucid dreaming so i thought they were teasing me but i try and RC anyways (the nose RC)… I’m able to breath! i smile and get up turn towards that DC and thank him.

i recall my intent of certain sexual fantasies i want to experience but i fail in manifesting the character… i tried walking out of my room and back expecting her to be there but fail so instead i try to go out and find her. I look towards my window… pass through and start flying… something i’m starting to feel more confident in doing.

for some reason after 5-10 seconds the dreamscape fades… i still feel a limitation block when it comes to LDing i for some reason feel that my mind is not capable to do certain things and i always wonder if my mind will know
how to create accurate terrain or if any after i fly a certain distance.

so because of that i experienced limitation where suddenly the landscape just faded and eventually i woke up. =/
hopefully in time i will learn to how to over come this.

Oh it’s just great thing to remember a forgotten LD! good luck :happy:

Just remember that if you think something to the effect of “gosh, I hope the landscape doesn’t fade,” it will. The more you worry about it, the more likely it will actually happen because you’re so busy thinking about it :tongue:. Try to think in positives, it’ll help a lot.