Okay so I never knew about lucid dreaming I just thought I was weird. It’s not something that I tried to do,it just happens to me. To be honest I hate it because it always freaks me out. Like when I am dreaming all the sudden in my dream I will be like"oh my gawd,I am having a dream right now" than I get all paniky and try to wake myself up,and feel like in my dream I cant catch my breath and I cant get out of my own mind. It’s freaky,anyone else have this? I dont want to lucid dream anymore,I hate it
Man, don’t let that happen, don’t try to wake yourself up, look around, focus on your dream, feel positive sensations and you’re ready to do anything you can imagine. Believe me, you don’t want to miss all this.
Don’t stop LDing just because of one dream gone awry. That time you probably just got over-excited and forgot to breath. The rewards of LDing are so great that I would rather be an LDing McDonalds employee than the leader of Microsoft.
I don’t understand, you get freaked out by your dreams?
Its all in your head, you have complete control over it, if you choose to do so. Trying to rid yourself of such a gift would be foolish.
Hi mariah,
There are two possibilities. You perhaps don’t really have LD’s but a sleep paralysis trouble. It’s easy to recognize when you have SP cause when you wake up, you’re paralyzed during a couple of seconds. Generally it’s frightening. Now if you don’t have this, then you’re LD’ing.
If you just have LD’s, it sounds like you panic easily. It would be great that some of the many 13 to 15 years old girls who are on the forum and who enjoy LD’ing reply to you. It could make you relativize your experience.
LD’ing is nothing to be scared of. First of all, LD’s don’t last very long, just about 2 or 3 minutes. You can’t get stuck in them cause after a LD, you return back to a normal dream. Most often, it happens sooner than expected. Moreover in a LD, you can do all what you want: fly, enjoy beautiful landscapes and skies, visit Atlantis under the seas, walk on the moon, ride an unicorn, perform magic, transform into an animal, etc. The only thing you have to do is increasing your lucidity up to the level where you fully realize that you’re in your dream and that you can modify it as you like.
Hence seeing how you spoil the luck you have is a little disappointing.
You sound like you are trying to wake up and because you don’t wake up you panic, because you feel trapped within your own dream like some whacky nightmare on elm street scene.
Rather than try and wake yourself up, why not take control of the dream and do the things you might not otherwise do in a regular dream?
Play with the weather, create things, visit some fantasy location, transform into an animal. If you get stressed because you don’t wake up when you try, stop trying to wake yourself up when you realise you are dreaming.
You are stressing yourself out because of it and making what could be a wounderful experience into a nightmare. Try auto-suggestion, tell yourself as you fall asleep that IF you recognise you are dreaming you want to try and “insert fun thing here” - this way if you do become lucid and recognise it’s a dream it should over-ride your worries and be the first thing in your mind.
You’ve had that bad experience once, you became panicked when you realised you were dreaming and that has tainted your experience and likely leads to the panick whenever it happens. Try exploring lucid dreaming instead, read up on all the wonderful things you can do and try these and push away the panick and the worry so you can enjoy the experiences when they happen.
??? they can last a very long time, especially if you want them to end but it’s the beginning of a REM cycle.
you may have sleep apnea if you are in a dream and can’t breathe… it will subside though it won’t kill you, but it might hurt a lot.
it used to happen to me a few years ago where upon getting lucid i suffocated for a period of time and didn’t know what to do about it at all
but it’s since rectified itself.
so… my only advice is either wake up, or surrender and be peaceful, knowing it will pass.
if you CAN breathe then you CAN breathe and any difficulties are just your imagination, so you can either sit down in the dream and take some big deep breaths, or you can try and forget that you are breathing at all (which we do in waking life almost constantly)
what do you want most in the world? your lucidity is a chance to have it. there’s no fear there. even if some monster comes at you you can just calm down, stare it in the eye, and change it into a rabbit or a poodle or something. (i know this is easier said than done… I ran away from a dream monster last night).
but it is in your head, nothing to fear. you get the opportunity to heal your anxiety problems by being lucid. and it’s not real.
that’s a pretty amazing thing. just calm down. you can summon up a religious figure like Jesus or a loved one to protect you in the dream if you are really worried, and talk to them a while.
but really the last thing you want to do is wake up!
— as for the apnea trust your best judgement, if you feel you absolutely have to wake up, then do that. don’t chance it. but if you think you can let go and you’ll be fine in a few moments then that is good.
To quote the character Harry in Cheech and Chongs Up in smoke when Sgt Stadenko is freaking out over being involontarily stoned… “just go with it!”
I think it’s like swimming. The first few times you end up in deep water, you freak out and want nothing more than to get out. But later, you realize that… well, you realize something that makes you not afraid anymore
And lucid dreaming is similar, except that you can’t drown in a lucid dream. If you feel like you’re suffocating, just remember that your brain won’t let you stop breathing, and that you will wake up if you really need to.