Free DL + Guide to Neuro Programmer 2

Hey guys, I just signed up after reading your forums for a while and would like to tell you about this great program i found that finally solved my hardships in looking for a way to lucid dream.

It’s called Neuro Programmer 2 and its free to use for 15 days. I highly suggest you give it a try to see if it’s the holy grail program for you, as it was for me.

I will also outline the steps to take in order to work some bits in the program in order to help anybody who has had trouble in the past, finally reach their goal of LDing.

Brief Background
After trying many techniques and mp3 files/scripts/music/sound combos on my own with very little success i came across this neural programner 2 on another messageboard. I figured since NOTHING else was working i would give it a try.

Neuro Programmer 2 (free for 15 days)
Download Link:

This program is designed to create your own hypnotic sessions where you can program your mind to do different things(hence Neuro Programmer). For example if you wanted to be a more social person or you wanted to learn to eat slower and in smaller portions, this program could help you out. Along with just sound there are Visuals that you can display on your screen to help you if you decide to try things while awake.

Along with this, you can program yourself to Lucid Dream! YES it worked for me the FIRST night i used it.

Let me tell you about my setup.

When you first download and run the program it will ask you a series of questions about going into trance - this part is very important because when in trance your subconcious can be tapped into much easier than if you are not. After answering a few questions, it will give you some presets that may work best for you.

I had trouble going into deep trances but i am pretty patient so i used the Alpha Hypnotic Relax session preset which lasted a bit longer and wouldnt interfere with sleeping. This lasts 30 minutes.

Before this however, you will want to load up some sound files into your Recordings area. They have some presets for small things but the recordings are like 1-2 sentence things - i dont think they are enough for me personally.

So i would suggest taking some mp3 sessions and cutting them up with a program like mp3 Direct Cut thats pretty simple to use and to cut em down so that you only hear the actual message part without the whole introduction/induction part.

Helpful Websites for mp3s

Some sites I would suggest for mp3 sessions are:

Remote Hypnosis -
(menu is at the bottom)

and Warp My Mind -
(Beware , it has a few porn ads :neutral: but is NOT a porn site) You will have to register (free) in order to download the files.

My Successful Procedure

The Files

These are the files i used to do this - all from the WarpMyMind website.

CurseLucidDreaming2 - This “curses” you to always have Lucid Dreams. Sounds dangerous right? Well for me, drastic times call for drastic measures so i figured I’d try it, there is also a Viration called LucidDreaming which is NOT a curse file , you may want to try it.
Keep in mind that files labeled CURSE are things that MIGHT stick with you depending on how succeptable you are. At least this is what might happen according to the descriptions of Curse files.
~15 min long after cutting

LRInduction2 - female voice induction file that uses imagery to achieve trance. Also there is a LRinduction file that uses a different method. This is juist what i used but there are LOTS of different inductions to try - each with different methods or speakers.
~20 minutes long after cutting

The Procedure

Before importing these files, i load up my editor program to cut out the beginning where they say what these files are supposed to do, and the ends where they go through the processess of waking you up. For the Lucid Dreaming file i also remove the entire induction part because by the time we hear this, we will already be in trance - so no need to relax any more than we will have already.

After savings them you can now import them into the program.

Scripts Button
The LRInduction2 mp3 went into the Scripts area, where first i created a New Script and then imported the file using the Auto-scale feature so nothing gets cut off. Save and make note of how long the file is for this next part.

Session Editor
According to the questionare before, the Hypnotic Relax script was best designed for me, so i double clicked to edit it and under Edit Options i made it 50 min long.( 20 min induction mp3 + 15 min lucid dream mp3 + more time to loop the LD mp3). Remember how long your induction file was? Put that in for “Time to start recordings” and click “Play recordings until session ends” Now press Ok in that box and click the arrow to the right of the Save button and choose Save As. Now i just gave it a name.

Ok here we go to Import and choose our Luciddream file that we edited. Give it a good name that seperates it from the others. If you want to import multiple files i learned they play in alphabetical order so a Confidence file will play before a Lucid Dream file. Simple.

Ok here’s the main part - where everything comes together. Click the user tab to see your session you created and double click.

New screen pops up
Under suggestions choose the Lucid dream file, you can choose an alert if you want to seperate your induction from your suggestion phase, and under Scripts, choose your Induction you made before in the scripts part.

From here you can customize the Recording Volume (changes volume of suggestions and script) and the Volume (master volume).
Also the customize button on the left lets you change things like the background noise (customize tab). I personally liked Wind the most. I also enabled Modulate Recordings - pans from ear to ear (makes suggestables better).

In the customize screen change the Session start delay to like 120 seconds so you have 2 minutes to get yourself ready laying down or whatever.

Click the arrow next to Preview and choose Preview Recordings with session to see how it will sound like. Change volumes accordingly.

I HIGHLY suggest you go to Help>User Guide for a VERY in depth read on everything from setting the program up, features, and techniques to relax.

After this is all done press the play button and it will show you a timer with a countdown until the session starts.

From here i just laid down and relaxed while listening. Didn’t have to Mild or Wild, just go into deep relaxation. Eventually while it was looping the suggestion part i went to sleep. That night i had a very vivid dream. About 7 hours later i woke up remembering it Very well. After waking up after the first, i reset the session and pressed play and tried it again.

The Dream
Then i had a false awakening and my mom was in my room being real mean to me for no reason. I thought something was fishy so i used the “Close your eyes and look at your nose” method and then remembered the “Hold your nose and see if you can breathe” as a backup because i wasnt satisfied. Lo and behold i could breathe through my nose when holding it so i successfully had a DILD. The dream lasted very long but because i am such a logical person, i had no powers and couldnt change anything or fly so it kinda sucked. Only decent thing i could do was jump through the glass of my bedroom window because I knew it couldnt get hurt - not that great of an accomplishment. The dream would have lasted longer but my phone rang.

Well i hope this post was informative and I hope you guys try the program and experiment with it to see how far you can go.

lol, it sounds probable


Hi Drogean

Welcome to ld4all, that was a great post. I would like to try this program but do you think you could share this preset you made with us so we can download and import it into the neuro programmer 2


you can get the full software from emule

ill give it a shot, nothing more