It was amazing! Although now I have a bunch of questions and results to post.
I yelled “Increase Lucidity!” and a large spark sound was made followed by the sky having a huge wave of brightness as my lucidity increased.
I tried to “super-jump”/“long-jump” from the bottom of a beach to the road above it. I told myself in my mind that “I was going to make the jump and that I had already landed it”. I also told my DC to watch as I was going to succeed. Right before I jumped my vision became completely twisted and fulled with visuals, I felt dizzy and fell backwards…Why?..I didn’t attempt the jump again.
The first thing I thought when I became Lucid was what to do! I really wanted to talk to someone to ask questions like “Every time I have a normal dream, can you appear and make me lucid?” & “What is my future/time of death/purpose/etc?”. Who is this person!? What is their name or reference so I can make them appear? Subconscious? Spirit Guide?
Increase Lucidity always seems to work in LDs, mainly because omnipotent Dream power and yelling go hand in hand. Might I suggest taking the “Lucid Pill” in your next LD?
Not quite sure about the uberjump mishap, but I can answer the next one. Just like all other DCs, and your dream consciousness for that matter, it is you. Your Subconscious to be more specific. Assuming that you weren’t having a Shared Dream of course.
I can’t believe I forgot the Lucid Pill. Oh my gosh! I knew about it for so long but never LD’ed so never really thought about it. Next time!
I think my method to talking to my subconscious will be like this: Opening a door knowing on the other side is an empty room with my subconscious. Its all willpower right?
Anyone figure out why my proposed jump left me on my ass even before take off?