Here are my (odd) titels:
[b]Rage of 11, dreamt before I joined here.
Help! Im a Girl, also before I joined.
/me The Almighty, dreamed on 1st march, but recorded day after.
The Scarab At Eketrägatan, dreamed 27th april.
The Swim In Apple Juice dreamed 5th may
Biggest Bandygame Ever[/b] (I didnt know what bandy was on english, I took the swedish word bandy, which means floorball), [b]dreamedthis 18th may
UP UP UP, dreamed this 31st may
The Crazy House, dreamed this 25th june
Snow in July, dreamed this 11th july
GTFO Of My Car this was dreamed somewhere in august.
Worlds Most Primitive Sonic Game, dreamed at 8th september
Number T? dreamed at 15th september
The Tramer-Coaster, dreamed on 3rd october
Winning The Game[/b] (makes me think of pridak in an odd way ), [b]dreamed on 12th october
Defending The Cakes dreamed on 18th october
HACK ATTACK, dreamed on 25th october
Svae The Mermaids, dreamed at 10th november
Stay Away from My Cheese dreamed this 28th november[/b]
These were the best titels I found in my DJ, i have more, but I chose just post funny titels at different times