Funny Titles that you have given LDs

I was just browsing my past LDs and thought it would be fun for us to share the funny titles that some have been given. :lol:

Here are mine…

  • Early August 2003
    Never Use The Spinning Technique!
  • Sunday 14 November
    For my Next Trick :razz: (low level LD)
  • Wednesday Jan 10
    “Reader, I Married Him” * or Toilets, Toilets, Toilets Part 9
  • Monday Jan 15
    the Sky at Night (or ‘AN FA ATE MY LD!’)
  • Saturday May 17
    2 am Say, I’m so happy I feel like bouncing!*

Here are my (odd) titels:

[b]Rage of 11, dreamt before I joined here.

Help! Im a Girl, also before I joined.

/me The Almighty, dreamed on 1st march, but recorded day after.

The Scarab At Eketrägatan, dreamed 27th april.

The Swim In Apple Juice :cool_raz: dreamed 5th may

Biggest Bandygame Ever[/b] (I didnt know what bandy was on english, I took the swedish word bandy, which means floorball), [b]dreamedthis 18th may

UP UP UP, dreamed this 31st may

The Crazy House, dreamed this 25th june

Snow in July, dreamed this 11th july

GTFO Of My Car :grrr: this was dreamed somewhere in august.

Worlds Most Primitive Sonic Game, dreamed at 8th september

Number T? dreamed at 15th september

The Tramer-Coaster, dreamed on 3rd october

Winning The Game[/b] (makes me think of pridak in an odd way :cool_raz: ), [b]dreamed on 12th october

Defending The Cakes :rofl: dreamed on 18th october

HACK ATTACK, dreamed on 25th october

Svae The Mermaids, dreamed at 10th november

Stay Away from My Cheese :wolfbite: dreamed this 28th november[/b]

These were the best titels I found in my DJ, i have more, but I chose just post funny titels at different times :cool_raz:

Fun stuff! :content:

Clitoral Village - This actually has a small backstory and maybe a long-forgotten inside-joke between Moogle and me on the definition of a ‘village’ and the definition of a ‘town’. Somehow, Wolfgame and Calla is involved. Which, while we’re on it, I would like to point Moogle’s attention to THIS. (See the ‘Outline/Summary of Events’ sub-heading, under the highlighted spoiler alert. Under the sub-heading, paragraph 1, line 1, word 8. What does that say now, Moogle? Oh, does that say… town.)

Ang: 1 - Moogle: 0 :razz:

so i don’t do a off-topic chatspeak post :tongue: … that is Stephen King’s Calla … the LD4all Calla is a village :razz:
Ang: 0 - moogle 1 :yay:

Life’s A Beach - I think this would be a pun or double-entendre… or something.

“Bye, Bye, Bye!” - In context it makes sense - it’s an N’ Sync song. But at a glance, it could be mistaken as something you would be told if you walked into a Chinese restaurant and tried to order a Big Mac. Likely followed by a wok slammed into your temple.

‘F’ You! - How should I put this…? When you attend a middle school that performs regular progress reports, and you can receive an academic grade of A, B, C, D, or F, and a citizenship grade of Outstanding, Good, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory, well… it’s best that you see none of your teachers mark your progress in their class with an F - U.

Charlie And The White Chocolate Mal-factory - I forget why I nominated this one. And probably for good reason.

When The Chips Are Down - Even I chuckled at this.

Be Thou For The Sheeple! - Eh, some might actually find it funny.

Mamba Samba - C’mon… say it.

I Could Save A Bunch Of Money By Switching To GEICO… - Classic…

“Nice To Meat You…” - :lol:

What Has Six Legs, One Brain And Really Good Manners? - This is even set up like a joke. The punchline was highbrow, but the premise… gold.

T3h l33t puking boy

Seriously. Is that even worth calling a title?
Yes, it involves a boy throwing up.

I looked quickly through my DJ’s and found these :tongue:

  • Baloonism (a sport with baloons!)
  • P’s Hairy Father
  • Facing Stoves
  • Flamingo Illusion
  • A couple of fatties