Hey guys,
Just wondering how effective the gadgets and software are for inducing lucid dreams? I tried using the software that goes off in the middle of the night and says, “You are dreaming” but it usually wakes me up. Haven’t figured out the right volume. And those glasses that you wear when u sleep that detect ur REM and give you signals while ur sleeping, can that eliminate other techniques (such as WILD, etc) to induce LD’s ?
The reason I’m asking is because I’m having trouble w/ other techniques, and would like to maybe buy it. Just wanna know how reliable and effective it is. Thanks for reading.
I have tried using sounds, but the only thing that has happened to me was that I woke up and fell asleep again. The only time it’s worked somewhat well was when I once had low power in my phone and it was beeping all trough the night. It was a few months ago so I can’t remeber how well it worked.
I think if you are trying to use sounds you should have a short but somewhat loud sound, then you probably won’t wake up all the way. Atleast that’s my theory. Or you could try playing some music while going to sleep, if you can fall asleep with noise around you. I think the music choice it the best, but then again I haven’t tryed that one.
About the glasses, there should be a few post about them. Try searching for goggles or nova dreamer
pink flyd is good music for if you wanna induce trance, better than some software brain wave generator. Becasue, I dont like the brain wave generator songs… they suck! I dunno about the goggles.
Heres what I do know:
Writing down your dreams increases your dream recall insainly. Meaning you can have up to 5 dreams per night… and a dreamless night is now really strange. Before for me, I never dreamed, and having a dream was really cool. You see, its not that you dont dream often, its that you dream all the time but forget what you dream, so you then think you never dreamed at all once you forgot it.
Make a habit of doing reality checks every so often, the more the better, AND do them ALWAYS when you wake up or get out of bed, AND do them everytiem something odd hapens. Now, so, if you have this habit formed, if you have a dream where you wake up, you will go lucid, and if your dreams are odd like mine, you will go lucid as something odd occurs, lastly, if you just do a random reality check in a dream, you will go lucid. MOST IMPORTANTLY keep it simple, becasue a too complex reality check is hard to form a habit. For me I just look at my hands and count my fingers, then triple check the time on my watch (double check can fail 30% of the time for me). And with the finger check, I only do this to see if Im in 3rd person or not, but sometimes youl have 7 fingers… so that should tip you off. But, the watch works for me. Before, I thought that I should say how did I get here… but its hard to subconsously think that.
Try a wild or mild. I tried to lisent o music while WILDing. It helps to relax me, but it can keep me awake. If you can sleep with music on, by all means buy some pink floyd and lisen to it. Lol, it will make you zone out… I mean its stoner music you know! Just keep in mind, that when you WILD, always be aware that you are consous and could be dreaming.
Ok… so thats my advice huh!
Are you writing down your dreams?
Are you doing reality checks, and if so, when and what checks do you do, and if so, do you do them with out thinking (if so its a habit then)?
The problem with the technology that is currently being used is that you don’t know how well it is going to work until you try it. The Nova Dreamer costs close to $400.00. That is a lot of money to pay and then find out that it does not work well for you. The nova dreamer does seem to work well for some people and not so well for others. Just remember it does not make you have LD ‘s. You still have to train yourself to recognize the cues.
How long have you been trying to LD?
What techniques have you tried?