Get ready for Marshal law … ercial-air s-in-pennsylvania/

i think you mean get ready for reformation and revolution

Wouldnt the government know that that would scare the hell out of people.
I mean what the hell man??? I mean if they have the nerve to shake there iron fist at the people its like warning them that the man is fixing to come down hard on the people…

Its says in the bible… “Parents don’t provoke your children” I think the same applies to the government, and the people. right? I thought it was a joke, or that it was just taken out of context, or sarcasim, or something but… This is just scary

I mean damn they are all out threating Tom, “We know who you are” they show that there spying. someone please explain the political logic behind this advert. If you can. Make it make some kind of sence,or is this just the reality we are fixing to get slamed into. Something is going on. "We could do this the easy way, or the hard way> come on allready. there coming off like the Mob!!!, and the phone number 1800-Payup. Hmm he ows. four thousand two hundread, and twelve dollars. You get it. 2012 OK thats a stretch, but its getting scary man. Did this actualy get aired? Wait I know Im dreaming.

well i would say watch capiltalism a love story which i put in your world ending thread

i would say that they are almost flat @!$#!@$! ed and are trying to scare people into getting money because they know that their orgnaizatoin is based upon fraud and economic high treason, and i would say this will make people pissed off and help us have the reforms we truly need ,

look at arizona, obama is threatening legal action against them for trying to make it legal to ask people on the streets for id, a senator went to protest there and got arrested

stuff like that commercial show the people that the government should never be trusted except for the good people in the government that are working to overthrow the tyrannical factions , which they are, watch the documentary if you are interested and see how lividly pissed some of the good senators were at the banks and their actions, which are all based upon fraud and theivery

plus look the IRS is not the government, they are a fraud agency that buys courts

now :
let me ask do you know for sure that’s a real commercial that was on tv ?

here kava watch the newest simpsons : … _Love.html
you will appreciate its message. THIS CAME OUT YESTERDAY

alex jones somehow facilitates the types of people that are religious fundamentalism and the idea that anything but christianity is evil, if you read his forums you will see there’s a ton of unwarranted paranoia, and isn’t being paranoid without a warrant unconstitional ?

part of the alooomanaughty is to get people to realize things are corrupt (shining the light on themselves to a degree ) , but make them think right winged religion is the answer to that corruption, thereby keeping them trapped within confrontational and paranoid ideas.

remember south park where the guvernmint conspiracy was to create conspiracy theories so the government would appear more powerful than it actually is ?

also the entire world is bankrupt and we have pictures on youtbe of our new money (from CNN ) which is gold backed already , to come out some time in may i think,

with the world being bankrupt it is natural a tax agency would want to steal as much revenue as it can by putting out fear propaganda, but they are unconstitutional , which doesn’t mean the courts will save you from them if you want to challenge their $$$$ because so are the courts, mostly ,

the ending of the federal reserve and the IRS is probably reason enough to scare them into making some commercials as a sort of a death throe

I’ve a little problem with the “democratic elections” thing. I’m probably not the first to do so but that’s not the point.
That problem is that you can only vote for candidates. And mostly people who intend to misuse their power sign up as candidates while those who understand the responsibilities don’t. So often one might end up having to choose between two evils(which is why I think monarchy would be better :tongue:).

If the government screws up you should be allowed to get rid of them… by violence if necessary. And no secrets should be allowed either. If a president is prove to have hidden, let’s say, alien life, then he should be put in prison for life and have his middle toes removed.

I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the point of democracy to give the power to the people, for better or for worse?

we have to realize that the “them” that we “fear” is the ones who are making Obama look like the boogeyman

listen to obamnas words very carefully and you can see his absolute integrity ,

now listen to the words of GW and look at how he plays the crowds, he is in fairy-tale land , “the terrorists hate us for our freedoms”
if there is a “they” they are less than .5 % of the population because almost everyone in the world wishes goodness to the americans and to EVERYONE, and is peaceful , and wants world peace

if there is a “they” their hate would be that we seem to drop lots of bombs and overthrow third world politicians who don’t want to agree to our radical banking and wolrd conquest agendas , we have committed so many direct acts of terrorism through sanctions and bombs against the third world over the lats 50 years its insane, and that is the only reason pockets of people would have anger against us !

ASK RON PAUL or Jesse Ventura !

really see what the honest senators and mayors and governors have to say about the real history of our nation, its insane!

the only good presidents we’ve had seem to be JFK, Jimmy Cartner, Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln , that were not acting selfishly and doing very many horrible terrible things in the background, perhaps FDR ? the point is not many…

now i have a question how many soldiers need to come out and say "they hired us to attack ourselves and make it look like it was the insurgency " before we realize just how much of this war is staged ? i would have to go dig it up but its been openly confessed to many times that most of the attacks on Iraqi police were false flag operations by ourselves

well , so what he did was take those freedoms away , so they wouldn’t hate us any-more ?
but what does Obama have to say about that ? a heaven of a lot more because , he actually has a conscience and understands social issues ,

the truth he is very eager to restore us to a realm of freedom from undue taxation and tyrannical systems , although part of being a free nation is to take care of the people, and to establish health-care, that is not wrong, what is wrong is making healthcare so expense that when the lowe rclass gets sick they are in debt for their entire lives to pay off a brief hospital stay , that is the result of diabolocail mongolism run amock, an insatiable quest for profit

it is not dangerous for the people to provide free healthcare so long as the doctors are still making nice wages, what is dangerous to the people is to suggest contrariwise , that they deserve to be run into the poor house should they get “sick” somehow

this is why socialism is a nice thing, the nature of an economy is to make profits but a socialist economy allows people to be wealthy while sustaining a middle class and making sure everyone gets a good quality of education and living, the only difference between it and a capitalist society is in a capitalist society there are no regulations against the total seizure of power through finance and then the middle class disintegrates , and we get this 1% of the world controlling 99% of the wealth and using it for Ferraris, etc, lord knows what, buying politicians

the right system would be
people that are multi-millionairess are , and even after taxing them to an incredible extent they will still be multi millionaires, you don’t put the tax burden on the middle / lower class, that is genocide.

but if we go back in time then we’d just be a barter system, and we seem to interconnected globally to completely get rid of a financial economy

why should you have to pay for college ? why do people that have enough money to feed the entire hungry world population every single year and still have money left over for Ferraris refuse to do it, and instead pass sanctions on those parts of the world
ex haiti was so bad simply because our sanctions made it near impossible for them to afford to build decent quality homes that would withstand earthquakes!

I am glad we have a good President, he is so much more compassionate than those who are simply acting on behalf of the banks,

wikipedia : false flag

and yes , shame upon anyone for lying about alien life, if they are doing that , as evidence suggests.

see what is wrong with the idea that if you are a millionaire, that you should have higher taxes than everyone else, not enough to make you poor, not even enough to put you out of being a millionaire, but enough so that everyone can have free schooling and free healthcare if they need it ?

we are talking about people that have a few spare billion just sitting around, who got that money from FRAUD ! and yet the right wing is paranoid against this because they would lose their power so they try to demonize an honest President, as far as I see it.

i completely , totally agree, 100% , the 2 party system of candidates is harmful for all good people of the world, but the idea that regulating banks and etc is bad for the people is a joke !

if a bank is making tremendous profits, 100000x mores than the rest of everyone in the world i think they are kind of cheating don’t you ?

[color=darkred]The president has no power whatsoever.
It makes no difference who is elected, it will always be the same group
behind them making all the real decisions, pulling all the strings.
and we definitely don’t get to choose them.[/color]

okay but where do they come from ? when we start to go down that road the answer seems to be they are from other worlds with a desire to conquer this one

and yet other more powerful beings are saying “your time is up, you re no longer allowed to dominate this planet”

there are more factions behind the scenes than just the “bad guys”

here is something we can all do , each letter represents at least 1000 or 10,000 people…

get a real Capitalism a Love Story DVD, send it to your reps, write them a peaceful letter, the good ones will listen the bad ones won’t but they will know they are being watched , and we are far better at surveillance than they are.

Obama still gives prepared speeches right? I hate speeches, they seem… dishonest.

hm that could be and it could not be, it is not hard to come up with your own words,

its better to get up there and improv for sure

you know when i think about all this we are ranting etc, about , its so pointless,

it is not productive,

but at the same time we must have accountability and responsibility, afterall who can come before any being and deny them abundance, shelter, etc ? it seems the people MUST be engage actively with their political system in order to promote well-being for all and freedom, not pretend freedom,

In Oklahoma city the police were actualy walking up to people who looked suspicious on the street, and search them. How can they get by with that? Its so frustrating, because I saw this story on the news, and I guess they were getting away with it. I would love to go there, and hang around looking suspicious to get them to search me, and when they found nothing on me sue the hell out of them… Oh wait I couldnt do that, because I guess its in there rights to do so. Our rights are gone people. This country is getting more, and more made for the rich republicans who look down on everyone else who arnt like them. Hell Bill gates has 35 Billion dollars he could help America out alot, but does he help feeed the hungery no why should he he has his. Republicans dont seem to like this health care pane. Why not? I fucking hate repuublicans

Let me touch base with you real fast, Kava. You seem like a nice guy, and hopefully you don’t have anything against me even if we disagree on some spiritual/philisophical matters. And we completely agree on this issue of the police searching suspiscious people in Oklahoma City. But that’s about where it ends.

First off, Bill Gates donates rediculous sums of money to charities every year. Also, he has it in his will so that when he dies, very little of his money is going to his kids. The rest is all being donated. So no, he does what he can, and considering there is nothing forcing him to (assuming this administration doesn’t get its way) I think that’s noteworthy.

What festers this hatred for the rich, especially Bill Gates? His parents were not rich and he had to earn his money. He started Microsoft in a friggin basement! Now that he has earned his money, how dare you say it isn’t his right to do with it as he pleases? Are there some selfish rich people who don’t give a ■■■■? Yes. But not all of them. Morally he should help, and he does, but why should he get rid of the majority of the money he worked for himself?

Futhermore, I hate this health care plan. Why? My reasons are my own. I am not going to get locked in a political debate on this issue. Let it be known I am poor, and I barely have enough money to pay for my wife and my private health care (the cost of which will likely go up next spring due to the health care bill). And don’t get me started on the [thankfully blocked] “government option.” The last thing I need is to pay for someone else’s health care when I can barely get by on mine!

Lastly, shut up about Republicans. First off, I don’t hold true party loyalty, and there are Reps I find despicable. But they align to my values much more than the Democrats ever will, mainly because they don’t try to run my life. Attacking that party is attacking my values. I don’t care what your political leaning, nothing you said is appropriate, and very little is accurate. “Rich Repubclicans,” eh? Well let’s take a look at the Democrats leadership, shall we?

The Kennedy’s. No, they’re not rich. Oh wait, yes they are. One of the wealthiest families in the country. Strange, I find it odd that they haven’t donated all of their vast fortunes to the less fortunate. John Kerry; 2005 presidential nominee, one of richest politicians in Washington. In fact, there are almost more wealthy Dems than there are Reps on capitol hill, and most of said Reps are RINOs.

I need to stop before I go too far, like you did. People seem to like to say conservatives are closed minded. Well, I know I’m not 100% correct, and there are people just as smart as me that hold the exact opposite political veiw as me. You need to realize that too. Ok, you disagree. Leave it at that, be civil. That is what being open minded truly is.

Kava, I don’t think I’ve done anything to earn your hate. All I have done is disagree politically.

And with that, you prove that you have no clue what being open minded is. I’m sorry to hear you hate me.

Sorry for my ignorents on Bill gates… Its just that there is enough corn in this country to feed everyone in america two or three times over, but yet we still have people starving in this country why? Mother nature gives us food for free, but yet greedy people arnt using it to help others. Nobody should starve, or go without food. If all the fortunate rich people would just contribute to more charitys, or build factorys for jobs we wouldnt have this problem. With all the rich people who have money to wipe there ass with why do we have so much poverty in this country. We need to help one another if we are going to change for the better. sorry for the republican remark you are right I am close minded on alot of issues. Maybie its better not to be prejudice aginst politacal partys. So Ill change my statement HATE all poloticians.

and these are the heartless republicans I speak of.
this is the cruilty that runs this country

and to go somewhat off topic… What the hell is the deal with protesting has it ever helped. I mean do you think the poloticans look out there window at people shouting, and holding up signs, and think… OMG there so right, we should change this. No we have a voice, and we had freedom of speech but thats as far as it goes. I just never understood why people protest its a waste of time. I dont see anything getting better in this country. We now have to deal with a huge oil spill, but dont worry Dawn dishwashing soap will clean off the birds. With all the protesting, art, music in which people point out the evils of this world, and want to see it change it hasnt done a damn thing. Were still sailing gas powred cars. I dont see things getting better. Have you any idea just how hard it is to be a optomist in this world today. I know Im wrong, but I just am not strong enough Just like the guy who died in NY while people just walked by him, and this Parkisons disease guy who was moked by Republicans NOr oil company who have dumbed thousand of gallons of oil destroying nature even further, and the advert that started this topic, Jerry springer, reality TV. Nobody gives a shit. Welcome to America 2010, and beyond. They should shoot all the tree huggin hippies.

OMG Im now a bitter man. Thankyou America. Have you any idea the work I put into to become bitter. It was work fighting aginst becoming bitter, because I looked at people my age, and older, and thought I will never allow myself to become a bitter person. I feel more liberated now though by accepting that Im bitter nomore usless hard work trying to stay posotive. Dont try to save me its too late for me save yourselves. On a side note I noticed in the Tea party link that all those republican protesting the healthcare plane are all walking around health looking down on an unfortunate person. As if nothing bad will ever happen to them God could easily pull the rug out from beneath them, and they would be in the same position, but that couldnt happen, because republicans kiss Gods ass enough so he wouldnt dare do anything bad to them.

If you seek out things to annoy you, you will find them. If you seek out things to annoy you, with the belief that this is how things are going, you will find it and it will confirm your beliefs. Your anger will grow and lead ultimately to your own destruction, and silencing of any potential change you could have made. It’s easy to blame people for the world being wrong, the people who drive change though, don’t blame people and attack them for being wrong. They find ways to show that what they believe is right, is better.

Perhaps instead of berating those who are so consumed with fear for their own survival that they attack others, you can try to help them see how they are attacking the weak and vulnerable, with understanding. Meeting intolerance with intolerance isn’t going to do much but cause a lot of conflict. When it reaches the point you are wishing ill, it is even more harmful to you as a person in my opinion.

I think Im just trying to hard to get over this wall. When I think I have it licked It get slamed yet again, and again. Im trying to become a wiser person, and this problem with me finding inner peace seems so difficult. Ive aproached it from many angles. “If the only tool you have is a hammer you will treat everything as it were a nail” That is the only tool I seem to have on me. as long as I have breath in my lungs I will not give up.

what about get ready for constitutional common law caused by galactic first contact ?

Updated April 30, 2010
Do Aliens Exist? Denver Puts It to the Vote
Denver residents are set to vote in August on whether to allow a commission to investigate if the government has covered up the existence of aliens.
Denver residents are set to vote in August on whether to allow a commission to investigate if the government has covered up the existence of aliens, but another group of Coloradans is attempting to put a stop to the probe, KDVR reported late Thursday.

Jeff Peckman, a supporter of the Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, claims the government has covered up the existence of aliens, alien abductions and extraterrestrial cures for cancer.

The Mission for Inhibiting Bureaucracy (MIB) recently registered with the city of Denver as a political action committee in an attempt to stop the alien investigation.

MIB says the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission’s goal of posting its findings on Denver’s website
would cost the city $23,000 a year, while the election itself will cost $100,000 because a ballot must be mailed to every registered voter.

“Until we have a city website ready to welcome the second coming of Jesus, or welcoming fairies, or anything based in belief, not fact, this is just not a correct way to use a city government website,” said MIB member Matthew Baxter.

they are really going at this pretty heavy lately !

Just in case you haven’t seen this YouTube vid yet, I thought you might be interested:
CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise.

I especially liked the paraphrased Heinlein’s razor.

is he a good guy then? i am scary to hear from those types of folks sometimes

PS ,

wethepeopleforpeace , it is a good project, i am thinking that we need a lot of ordinary folks to do it though, those are the ones who will shift the representatives into waking up ,ithey will send you free michael moore capitalism a love story dvds to send to your represenatives, with a note advocating advocacy of the people not elitist corporations.