Getting closer

i feel like I am getting closer to lucidity in my dreams. Last night I had really good dream recall. I remebered 4 dreams. And i even wrote them down in my dream journal! :happy: haha that is rare for me.
In 2 of these dreams, I was semi lucid. because I remeber saying “this is just a dream anyways, i can’t get in trouble for anything.” But i don’t think i was totally convinced, so i think that was preventing me from reaching 100% lucidity. I never remember to do RC’s in my dreams. I gurantee that if i would have done an RC, i would have become lucid and went exploring. I have decided to stop smoking marijuana too. I really think it was hurting my dream recall because i remeber my dreams in much greater detail if I havn’t smoked.

So guys, I am going to try to keep it up! and I am going to start doing the techniques and writing more in my Dream journal. Wish me luck!

I just thought i would share my progress with everyone. :colgate:

Cool :grin:.

I’ve found that since I’ve started writting in my DD more, I’ve begun to notice strange things in my ND’s.

Not only that, but I also find that a sudden burst in DR usually means a LD is on it’s way :wink:.