Getting Frustrated

No lucid dreams since ive been back and losing a lil motivation still tryin though. Im doing RC’s through out the day, my recall is good i remember at least one dream a night, im on this site always before i go to sleep, before i go to sleep i always do a MILD exercise or try to do wild by focusing on the shapes in my eyes or even try suneye. All this and nothing i guess its only been like 2 weeks but i dont even see any progress at all. The only thing i can mabie see that im doin wrong is not doing wbtb enough ive done it like 3 times and have had no sucess because im just to tired or just fall asleep and nothing special hapens. I cant do wbtb during the week cuz i have school and wake up at 6 and go to sleep like at 11 so not enough time i guess. I dunno any help or anything its frustrating.

You know what im in a very much worse state of progress than you. I had my first induced ld in January 18; from that day i haven’t had any other ld or a real OBE, i just had some minimal OBEs. Im so frustated and sometimes these thoughts of giving up this amazing quest come to my head. I guess is my lack of effort and confidency who are making my quest pretty bad.

Anyway there’s only a phrase who never fails:

“Zero effort, Zero Result;That who wants a result needs to start in the effort”- Myself

frustrating thing is im giving a lot of effort but ill just give it some time.

Maybe sometimes it pays to just take a break? That is, step back for a few days?

I’ve read quite a few times about people trying,trying, trying for weeks/ months & getting (apparently getting-) nowhere, giving up completely and then BAMM!!, out of nowehere they get their first/ next/ most vivid LD/ OBE.

Maybe it’s a bit like physical exercise, you need to give yourself time to catch up with yourself/ incorporate all the stuff you’ve been trying/ thinkiing/ reading about … also, if you try TOO hard you maybe end up creating a barrier by becoming frustrated/ disheartened?

So maybe it pays to give yourself some space & ‘catch up’ sometimes? Just a thought!

Lol had an ld last night, funni. But yea your right that works to i heard.

Well congrats! you’re lucky cuz im thinking of quitting this for a while but maybe not… or maybe take a break. My first and only induced LD i wasn’t even trying that… :neutral:

Dont quit i didnt and look what happened. Try suneye.

:smile: Ok i won’t…yesterday i almost fell into a LD, well i fell into a LD but for a VERY brief amount of time… but the strangest thing of all is that i didn’t feel any WILD sensation before doing that.

BTW what is the suneye technique? :eh:

I hear that if you try hard and then take a break, you are likely to LD while taking the break. There is such a thing as trying too hard.

To share my own experiences:
I have been reading about lucid dreams for about 2 years now, and I have started en quitted at least 4 times now I think… and i never got an LD. (well, i had SP one time and an OBE-like experience, but that was accidentally)

The first period i was the closest, i had very vivid dreams and sometimes prelucid… but the other two-three times completely no progress (moderate dream recall at best!)
In the first period I used to meditate everyday. I tried to recover that habit, but it failed (didn’t do it everyday)

I recently became interested again, and this time I also started meditating again (something like zazen), and now i can see some progress!

Every morning after breakfast I do a 10-20 minute meditation, and just before sleep I mediate 15-20 minutes.
I’ve been meditating for about two weeks now, and it has occured three times that i woke up in the early morning, and I almost succeeded doing WILD (I woke up with an electric WILDish feeling, and i can feel my body “float” away… i’m working to actually realise im dreaming then, because now i can’t seem to believe everything looks so real)

So I’m not doing RC or MILD or other LD-techniques, I meditate twice a day, and i try to stay conscious (but also allow myself to drift asleep) when I wake up like that in the morning.

I also believe it will help alot if you have a strict sleep-waking pattern: so you must go to bed and wake up the same time everyday (even in the weekend) (If find this hard to do, requires much discipline)

My advice is: meditate twice a day (before you go to sleep) and maintain the same slaap-waking times every day.

Frustration is the path to failure when it comes to lucid dreaming. One way or the other you have let go of that frustration. Try to think of ways to make lucid dreaming fun and exciting. I tend to favor this over taking a break (which works for many people). You just have to stop thinking that lucid dreaming is hard because it is not. When you believe something is hard then you kind of set yourself up for failure. You expect to fail so you do.

During the day make your RC’s fun and interesting. Imagine you are dreaming and fantasies about what you could do in this dream environment.

At night, when you go to bed, muster up excitement about going to sleep and dreaming. Plan the lucid dream you will have.

Keeping a positive attitude is the key to achieving lucidity.

Sounds good Millod thx, and btw what i do for the suneye, is while im reciting my mantra in my head and picturing my dream i am looking toward the spot between my forhead and 2 eyes or the “third eye” while your eyes are closed. Then i use wbtb and do the same thing. this gave me my LD. Was a long one at that compared to a lot of peoples, its basicly my first real LD and it lasted more then 30 secs and i was jus flying around wonderin when it was gonna end lol.