Ghirardelli Chocolate!?

This is for me the one thing that helps me out more than anything: Ghirardelli Chocolate with Mint Filling. Everytime I have 1 piece of it at night, i have a good dream. But if i have 2 pieces about an hour or 2 apart, i have Amazing dreams and Even lucid dreams!! like about a month ago i posted about me have 5 lucid dreams in a row, including an hour long LD! (the closest i had before was about 5 minutes) Most of it happens in the morning though, usually if I wake up around 6:30 or 7 and go back to sleep, thats when i have them, and i usually don’t have great dreams during that time. I’d encourage all of you to try this, It’s so amazing having Great LD’s and Dreams.

This might be just placebo. Somebody should do an experiment on it. I might try it tonight.

It might be the mint, or at least it would be for me.

Anyway, most chocolate has some amount of caffeine in it which I think would depend on the ingredients, the processes the chocolate underwent, etc. Maybe the caffeine has a role…

chocolate makes you hyperactive , so it’s pretty bad for people on scedule (work , school ) to even eat before bed

But I think it might have that chockolate effect (like pot only weaker from what I heard) magnified because you are asleep and in deep homoestasiss…

So yep not good for people who have truble with sleeping and need to fall asleep fast

But might boose your mood while asleep so it gives you better dreams or just placebo \ your used to it

DeadDuck writes it down

Chocolade with mint filling… Intresting…

It might work, I thing read that chocolade hepls about LDing, but have no idea where i readed it… not on ld4all anyways…

I’m going to try this. I’m still having a lot of trouble becoming lucid.

Well, the reason I just realized, that I had 5 LD’s in a row, is that they all started with me doing something weird on my bed like floating up in the air,

Could it really be the combination of chocolate and mint of that specific brand?

It seems more like b/c you enjoy them while you eat them that you mentally prepare yourself for a night of good/great dreams/LDs. Nonetheless, I congratulate you on your LDs

Thx, but since then, I haven’t had any, although I could’ve had one about 2 weeks ago, but I was so scared in that dream, I forced myself to wake up, which took all my strength.

I will definitely try this. Not because I think it is a miracle answer, but because it is a wonderful excuse to eat chocolate.

whats Ghirardelli Chocolate ?

To put it simply: expensive, gourmet chocolate.
I think that that might work because after reading this thread 2 days ago, I’ve eaten a piece of Ghirardelli chocolate every night. The night before last, however, I ate it about three hours before I went to bed and nothing happened. Last night, I ate one about 3 hours before I went to bed and one right before. And I had an LD last night (the first one in 6 days :smile: ), also the first one since I heard about this site. Unfortunately it was only a .5 LD, not a full one as I had very little control over what happened. For instance, I couldn’t turn the raggedy old car into a Porsche. What an idiot :cry: . Caramel filled works just as well :smile:

Also, who cares if its the placebo effect?! As long as you get a LD :razz:

Dark Chocolate is full of antioxidants and releases endorphins. Antioxidants are good for lucid dreams. Endorphins being released is what makes people “feel good” or happy. So have sweet lucid dreams.

There’s also been studies that a piece of chocolate before bed increases seratonin during the nights for that wakefulness, which might be another good factor to support lucid dreams.

I’ve also known these neighbors of mine whose kids had nightmares every single night. I reccomended the mother to give them a little piece of chocolate before bed. Instead of staying up all night, the kids went right to sleep and slept through the night without anything night terrors or nightmares.

Since when is lucid dreaming a wonderful excuse for anything? :slight_smile:

“Stop eating that chocolate!” “Oh, sorry, Mom, I’m just doing so I can gain ‘awareness’ within my dreams and control them.”

Im gonna eat two big tablespoons of nutella before going to bed tonight. :content: