got killed again

fourth time this year

this time it was aliens with some kind of disintegrator

not maliciously - they were just getting rid of pests that happened to be us humans … funny thing, this time instead of everything going black, i was transformed into superman

i didn’t retaliate on the aliens even though i knew i could because i understood their actions and the humans were gone anyway

so i just went away

go figure

funny… :happy:

Lol that’s funny… superman, but you can’t do anything about the dying human race. :content:

Now I know not to pick you up for heroic action in case of emergency. :content:

Just kidding, you know. :biggrin: I just love to tease.

Funny dream by the way. :smile: Sweet dreams! :wiske:

I guess that did sound kind of funny.

It wasn’t the human race, exactly, just a group of explorers on an alien planet. By the time I became Superman, everybody was gone, so there was nobody left to save.

Besides, like I mentioned, the aliens were just getting rid of pests. They weren’t mean or evil, just so far superior to humans that we were about like mice in a haystack - something to get rid of. :wave: