I only found this website 2 days ago and thought I would give it a go.
First night nothing, but I remembered the dream.
Last night - I can’t remember now what I was dreaming about but I do remember suddenly thinking “I might be dreaming now” and remembered reading on this site about looking at a clock. Luckly, there was a clock on the wall which I looked at and then looked away and looked at again and the hands were in completely different positions. I thought “Ok, I’m dreaming”.
Well, that was about it. It was quite strange as it was very grainy - like trying to watch TV with a bad reception or a very old black & white film. After this realization I kind of lost it - I drempt all night but I had forgotten that I was dreaming (by now the grainy effect had gone).
Was this really a LD? How can I continue the LD without falling back into normal dream mode?