A few days ago I had a LD, and that dream was so real that I had to do alot of RC before I jumped out of my window…
However, I’ve heard that some people walk trough mirrors so I tried that but It didn’t work. I really want to go trough that mirror but I just can’t. Can anyone help me? That would be great!
Try again . And remember - you will be able to do it this time (don’t let past failures hinderance you).
Perhaps it would work better if I try to run into the mirror.
That can help, yes .
You can also try to put an arm through the mirror first. Once you achieve this, it must be easier to jump into it…
i wanna LD! i started trying last night.
Hey CEDCET, try splashing magical water on the mirror. Or breath on it and enter through the foggy surface.
imagine it not as a solid object, but rather as liqud metal. that can help .
CEDCET which technique you’re using to LD ?
I use MILD and WBTB, And some times I don’t use any technique I just know that I’m dreaming.
I tried some of your tips but it doesn’t work, and when I run into the mirror it just bends. I was afraid that it would break.
lol, ive only had one ld, but it lasted a long time, actually i was really suprised, in my dream i was flying
it was my first ld ever, and my first flying attempt i did it.
As my dream progressed further i tried flying a few more times, sometimes it worked sometimes it didnt.
I know now that the only reason it did work is because i believed it would
i would take a running start and jump into the air to take off…and if a doubt crossed my mind before leaving the ground, thats where i stayed, if i actually believed that wen i jumped i would be soaring into the air, i flew…
maybe the same concept applies to the mirror trick?
anyway im gonna give the mirror a try and ill post back with my results.
Walk up to the mirror and push your hand through it first. It may feel like pushing your hand through a cold liquid at first. Then just step through. The important thing here is that you must know you can do it. If you fail at first then remind yourself that this is your dream and you are going to go through that mirror.
In the dream world belief and expectations are everything. If you believe you can’t do something then you cant do it. On the other hand if you believe you can, the things you will achieve in the dream world will amaze you.
You really just have to believe your going to do it. This regarding anything you do in Lucid Dreaming. I find doing things a second try always works out.
I’m going to believe in my next LD!
I can push my finger through my hand but not through a mirror…
I think that I have been very lucky because only two weeks after I found this site I had my first LD. When I had a nightmare I thougt that I was going to die but then I realized that I can’t die because I am dreaming but I was so afraid that I opened my eyes immidietly, but that was many years ago…