Hand question

Does anybody have any idea wether it matters what hand you use for the hand reality check or is it just different for everybody. While i’m at it does anybody Use this techneek every 15 minutes like me.

Which RC is the hand one?

The RC where you look at your hands during the day and ask yourself if your dreaming.

It shouldn’t make any difference which hand you use.

Hmmm, I use both hands. Does that matter?

I use both hands IRL also, because if i do this RC in dreams, i usually look at both hands (and sometimes compare them with each other). But i’m doing hand RC IRL not regularly anyway. Only now when i got some cold and it’s unpleasant to plug my nose IRL for RC, i switched it to hand RC :tongue:

When you look at your hands…its probably good to look at both of them…odds are one of them is weird. Also, you should do more than one RC if you arn’t already. Try doing the Nose Plug one as well. That is, you take your dominant hand and plug your nose with it…and try and breathe. If you can breathe, you are dreaming, if not, well, your awake. This RC NEVER fails because in dreams your body is always breathing…and it’s impossible for you to see yourself not breathing. If that makes sense. heh…hope that helped!

That RC has failed me plenty of times. It only works around 50% of the time for me…

Yeap. It has failed on me too (well, with much less % than 50%). This is why you should be ready to do more kinds of RC-s if you start to doubt about your reality in ND.

I have five RC’s at hand :wink:. Unfortunatly though, for some reason they’ve all been failing me lately (thus the low number fo LD’s this month) :confused:.

Finger going through the hand. Hasen’t failed me once, and feels friggen cool!

Once you LD more often and once this RC has been used frequently…it will fail. Just like every other RC.

I believe that RCs fail because people expect them to start failing after a while. Most likely this is a subconsious thing because they read that’s how it works for most people. But why should they start failing, if they have worked before they should still continue to work for forever. You just have to always expect them to work and they will. For example, Siiw has her own “draw a circle in the air” RC that always work and that’s probably because she imagines drawing it while drawing it. If RCs stop working in dreams, so should all other lucid powers, but they don’t because people wan’t them to work and if they don’t work they figure out a way to get them to work.

Exactly, expect it and it will happen. I expect my finger to go through my hand, or for my hand to have the sixth finger. It hasen’t let me down.

I always have six fingers attached to my hand while dreaming. It is the only RC I need, but to be sure, I use others as well. And it sure is better to look at both hands. Always THINK about what you are doing and what for. No effect when just looking at your hands.

In RL I usually look only at one hand, because of ultimate lazyness… :grin:

i use my right hand because there’s a brownish spot in the lower left part lol :razz:
i’ve been doing it for a week or so…how long before they start appearing in your dreams?

It takes roughly between 2 hours and 60 years… (hehe so i mean, it totally depends on the person who does it)