ok heres the deal. When i LD i often imagine something and i drift into my LD or dream…so im dreaming lala etc. then out of no where my abiltly to be aware slips away… like physically or my AB is still there in the dream but my minds eye is slipping away…so im still in the dream but im blind in it…only can feel my surroundings and stil interacting with the people but i can literally feel myself slowly sliping into reality basically waking up…like im half asleep and half awake…
has anyone have that happen to them? Like your dreaming but its like your eyes are closed in your dream or YOU yourself not your AB no longer sees whats going on but still feel it? and no ones in your dreams DC seems to notice?
is there anyway to help slip back into the dream (fully engulfed in it and get out of the half alseep half awake feeling?) or just be able to see again…
That used to happen to me in half-lucid dreams. I didn’t know I was dreaming until it started fading away. What I used to do was keep my eyes closed and not move at all. The dream either is slightly prolonged, or I can easily slip right back in to it.
Of course, that doesn’t work with me now… I wake up with my eyes open… shrug
yeaaa i’ve been trying that where i lie and there (its like my AB is still LD or dreaming) but my physically body is awake so i attempt to relax and no move and keep concrentrating to go back into the dream…it prolongs…but im still blind in the dreammm so i eventually wake up…
funny thing is i have this theory that if i want to really bad i can fall back alseep and continue my dream. its work a few times… >< wish i could improve this method…
When you’re about to wake up, the first sense that fades is sight, so that’s probably why you can’t see anything before you wake up. It happens to a lot of people.
You can rub your dream-hands together, or spin around, or grab on to something in the dream and feel it. If you engage your other senses (sense of touch) in the dream, then you might prolong it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me that way, because by the time I notice I’m waking up it’s way too late, but I’ve read about people doing these things to keep the dream from fading, and it seems to work for some people at least.
Ooo ic ic…it all makes sense now… hehe i iwsh i could drift back into it…same here for me…by the time i realize im waking up i cant seem to save it…i think i get nervous or am over thinking…sigh oh wellz…
must search and pratice in hopes of not waking up…