Has anyone had a lucid dream on their first attempt?

Has anyone had a lucid dream on their first attempt?

I would like to know because tonight will be my first attempt. Got interested in LD for the second time after watching Waking Life. The first time I never actually tried it though.

Welcome DePerc :wave:
I haven’t had a LD from my first attempt, yet a friend of mine had a LD from the first time. Later he WILDed from the first time too :smile: many people have LDs on their first nights, so good luck with it. what technique are you going to try? hope you will be succesful.

I’ll most probably try WILD, however from what I’ve read it seems kinda dodgy, so I dont know. BTW has anybody murdered somebody else in a LD. Because I would really like to do that. It might stop me from doing so in real life. (In the future that is, I havent actually killed anyone)



Yeah, plenty of people have killed DC’s.

And you know what they say - ‘A thought murder a day, keeps the jail cell away’ :wink:.

What I really want to try is space travel. That would be so fckn good. That and murdering people. Specific people. Not randoms. What?..Stop looking at me like that! OI! FCKN STOP IT! AAAAAAAHHHH stab stab stab hehehe

Hi DePerc!

I don’t remember names on the forum, but yes, some people have had a LD on their first attempt. But they are very few! :smile:

Good luck! I hope you’ll tell us your first LD tomorrow! :wink:

DePerc, Notice: Stay away from broken clocks. :content:

Well my case is ironic because my first on-purpose LD was before i actually start to attempt it, i really was more into the OBEs and i was doing WIlD to do Astral Projection but i came out with this unexpected LD which gave me strenght to do the LD thingy.


Good luck with your first attempt at lucid dreaming.

Yes, some do have success on their first attempt. Some have been known to have a spontaneous lucid dream after just hearing about it. While it is possible I should also point out that these are exceptions rather than the norm. Whatever happens keep in mind that people who stick with it do eventually succeed!

Happy Dreaming

Nope, it took me like a week to get my first.

Didn’t LD on my first attempt. Wasn’t expecting to though. However over the past few days I have my dream recall improving. And they seem to be getting more vivid, even though not lucid.

My last one [and my second one] was my first try of VILD.
And it worked! On the first try!

I recommend everyone to try VILD! Best method for me!

Thanks Pesdro!!!

Ill add this for placebo: Yes! EVERYONE has a vivid LD on thier first go!!! And all the other times too!

Conceding defeat before you even try is a recipe for failure! I don’t care if this is the first time you have even heard of lucid dreaming or, if you have been practicing for a while. Always go to bed “knowing” you will do it. Think about the lucid dream you are going to have. What will you do? Feel excited about going to sleep and dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not as hard as you think so, you have good reason to be optimistic!

Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I read about VILD and that seems like a good method so I’m going to concentrate on that one.