I have heard from a few sources that shouting your own name in an LD causes the dreamworld to buckle and vibrate. Is there any truth to this? I’m yet to remember to try it.
Hah. I did. Nothing happened. It’s just a fluke.
I have. The ground did start to shake like there would have been an earthquake. Not a very pleasant feeling.
Yeah, a few times… nothing special happened
But since you heard that it could cause the dream world to vibrate there’s a big chance it will… or now that you’ve read that nothing happens it’s maybe slightly more possible that nothing will happen
So basicly, you can decide if your name has any power or not.
If you decide it has power, you should give some cool power. like. If you say your name, the walls start to bleed. or, gravity changes or something. You start to feel happier maybe, colors change. or more practical, lucidity and calirty and everything increases. That would be nice.
I suppose with enough will power you could accomplish nearly anything in a lucid dream, although in general, shouting out commands that seem to work for most people don’t have an effect on me. In that case, I woudn’t expect much to happen if I were to shout my own name in a lucid dream, but I’ll give it a shot when I have the chance.
This story is one of the most interesting cases about on how beliefs can influence LD’s content.
All this came from the early book of an man involved in spirituality and who practised lucid dreaming, Ouspensky. In one book about LD’ing, he said that shouting your own name was impossible in LD’ing and that it made the dreamworld to vibrate and to sort of explose. Many people have read this book and as Ouspensky was famous and they considered hime as a “master”, when they tried to shout their name in LD’s, it happened what happened to Ouspensky.
One day, a LD’er managed easily to do this (and it’s easy to do indeed cause on another forum, a beginner managed to do it on the first try). From this date, it’s no more impossible to shout your own name in a LD.
In that case, much probably won’t happen.
Basilus is right about the source of this belief.
I’ve never yelled my name, but twice I have become lucid after a DC has said my name. I then thought “how does a stranger know my name?” - I must be dreaming
edit (I had an ND last night where I told another DC my full name. Nothing happened. Maybe if there had been an earthquake I could have become lucid)
Quite interesting…I’ve never done this for myself, but I wonder if I shout my name, if the ground will shake, or another me will appear that would be a nightmare
I’ll try it out next time ^^