Hey guys, I just registered. I am currently a college student, and have been struggling with my sleep for years. My dreams are extremely vivid, and I recall my dreams every single night, to the slightest detail. Is this an advantage when it comes to LD? One of the problems I have had is a sense of unrestful sleep when I wake up. It feels as though my dreams have mentally worn me down, leaving me fried for a good portion of the day. For the most part, my dreams are extremely complex and quite stressful. All I really want is to be able to sleep and feel rested and relaxed. One of the things I notice is that when I do wake up in the middle of the night and fall back asleep, my dream seems to resume itself where it left off. I am actually getting ready to see a sleep specialist in order to determine my sleep patterns, however have stumbled upon this website in reference from my psychology professor. Can you guys offer me any insight into my chances in becoming a Lucid dreamer? Is there a section I should refer to in order to begin the learning process? Thanks!
welcome and enjoy your time here.
From what you describe it sounds like you will easily enjoy lucid dreaming. Your dream recall seems high, and you seem to have a good amount of dream control by “re-entering” dreams.
Good luck working with a sleep specialist on your sleep problems. I think your lucid abilities should come easily. A good start is by reading the “how” section here: xs4all.nl/~pasquale/TTM/4/index.html
I hope you keep a dream journal! take-care!
Yes, having vivid well-recallable dreams can help to become a LDer… I just wonder how becoming a LDer can help to “struggle with your sleep”.
Do you mean that you can, for example, take control of your dreams when lucid, make them less stressful, for example, create a peaceful place inside a dream and have rest there?