Having trouble remembering dreams

I used to not have this problem but I have unfortunately, and unintentionally taken a long break from focusing on having an LD and writing down dreams in my DJ. Lately I’ve been having a hard time remembering dreams I’ve had during the night and by the time I get to my computer to write them down, they are gone.

Could it be that I’m just out of practice, or has my mind forgotten that I want to remember dreams.

Or, has my lack of time to really focus on dreaming in general, messed me up.

Any help would greatly be appreciated, I want to start having LDs again, its been such a long time! :peek: :help:


The best thing to do is not to get upset over it. Try relaxing your mind, or meditating and then tell yourself, your SC, that you will remember your dreams. Do not force it, but say it as though you know it will happen. Good luck! Keep us updated.


I will let you all know how it goes, its been awhile since I was on here as well :eh: I’ve been so darn busy and work really put my dreams aside. Now that I have a little more time (school takes over now) I’ll try to have more LDs.

Oddly enough, a night after writing that message, I had a dream that spans almost two full pages in my DJ, I guess all it takes is a little bit of work! Thanks guys!