Hearing spirits

Last year I heard my name being called about three times without anybody in the room saying it or without anybody actually being with me. This year I hear loud noises, like music playing or screams. The thing is I can’t dismiss these as a part of my mental illness because they don’ scare me or harm my life in anyway. The most vivid time I heard a spirit calling my name was when I was at a library in utah with my cousins. There was nobody around me when I heard the most vivid voice of a child saying my name. I stood still for a minute. The first thing I got from this that it was my guide trying to get a hold of me and tell me about my uncle who had passed away in october 2003.

…yeaahh i woudnt answer that voice, thats how demons posses people, they call their names 3 times, and if they answer all those times, the demon can posess their body, just a warning

Aside from the Ghost possibility, it could be that you were tired and it was a form of hypnagogia. Auditory sensations including voices aren’t uncommon and it may just be that simple.

I really doubt you need to worry about demon since that is the work of TV and holywood for the most part, as someone who has been around spiritualism and a freaky clairvoyant/audient mother most of my life, I can honestly say I have never heard of such things outside of TV land.

For the child’s voice, if you truly believe that it may have been your guide you could be correct. But only you can really say as it was your own experience.

demons are most likley not the ones calling your name…ive had the same expieriences and i agree its your spirit guide trying to contact you. If it ever scared you , you can always try contacting them back and even start a conversation to make sure.

its okay to hear spirits talking to you and things, you’ll figure out how to filter out the important stuff eventualy, take advantage of it they can help you out a lot if you listen to them. but as far as demons… well thats kinda dumb, just dont take every thing you hear for granted.

Welcome to my world, I still haven’t figured out what it is, and it’s been over ten years since my first experience…

I don’t quite think that’s the truth at all, as I haven’t seen any evidence of this…

Anyway, I personally had an experience a couple nights ago where I woke up to a bunch of voices whispering. It was really creepy, but it was hypnopompic imagery… Do you happen to hear the voices late at night?

You said you heard it at a library in Utah… Perhaps it’s just your imagination, or maybe it was actually someone else whispering your name, but you didn’t see them. You said you were with your cousins there, after all.

My brother heard something like that once, but it turned out to be his imagination. Sometimes I think I hear typing on a keyboard while alone in the house reading a book, but I look over and it’s always nothing. Sometimes I’m in the shower and believe I hear the phone ringing, but when I turn off the shower, it’s always nothing, and I know that the phone wasn’t actually ringing, because my brother is still asleep.

Maybe it’s just your imagination.

I don’t exactly know, because I’ve had plenty of experiences I know were absolutely real, and some I was just scared. As for the name calling, that’s a load of crap. They can’t do anything to harm you, even if they call your name, I’ve had experience with these things, and they can’t harm you, especially because of your guardian (angel, spirit guide, etc.) and even though you think they aren’t there, they’re with you 24/7. (I don’t know what I’d do without you Dot :smile:)

I’m just trying to collect explanations:

1 - hypnagogig imagery (well, sounds in this case),

2 - halluzinations (side effects of mental illness or medication, or, if you ever took those, other drugs)

3 - spiritual beings (demons, angels, spirit guide)

4 - “normal” explanations (your cousins calling you)

I don’t think it’s the last one, because you said you heard a small child, and I suppose that you would have recognized your cousins voices.

I’m wary about the spiritual beings, not because I don’t believe in them, but because that’s a standart explanation for anything as soon as other explanations fail. It always could be spiritual beings.

That leaves halluzinations and hypnagogic images.

Now I’m wondering about this: Did you ever have halluzinations before this? From medication maybe? Did they feel like this? Did these experiences start before or after you managed (or tried) to have LDs?

That last question would go to other LDers who described similar experiences. I’d like to know whether people who have LD for a long period start having experiences like that, because that would mean there’s a connection to LDs.

I could imagine that the attention and perception of somebody who has LDs is changed, and doesn’t filter incoming stuff like “normal” human minds do. That incoming stuff wouldn’t have to be a child’s voice, it’s just something your mind classified as a child’s voice because it has to file it as something.

(Sorry, terribly long post!)

I have a quick question, does any one elses spirit guide take the shape of an animal or other being regularly and can anyone else communicate with it regularly in waking life?

I just found out mine is my great-grandma that I had never met.

In astral travel, it’s often common to travel as one’s animal totem. So, yes.