Quick note: Mods can move this to the proper section as they please. I was not sure where to post it.
Hey everyone! Today, I was walking through my local mall when I saw this stand called Heat Makes Sense. They were selling these strange looking products that you would either heat up or freeze and put it on you to heal all sorts of aches, pains, and things of that nature. There were back packs, shoulder packs, etc. that basically acted like a heating pad and would soothe any physical or mental ailments you had. Well, the guy told me that they also use aromatherapy in these pouches to help this healing process as well. He held out this small pillow-looking bag up to my nose. I told him my nose was stuffed. He told me to take a whiff of the mint pack and it would clear my nasal passages. Well, one small sniff and I could breathe again through my nose. The ingredients in these products are ones that are also used to induce lucidity. Check out their site:
They had available these small goggles that looked like a NovaDreamer that he said you would put in the freezer, strap on your eyes for around an hour, and the scents would take away the bags under your eyes. I’m wondering if smelling these fragrances during the night while wearing them would induce a lucid dream. Now I’m very curious in this subject. Or maybe I’m too off-topic.
Anyone care to comment?