Im tried the ‘WILD’ method last night. I was unsucessful. I do feel like i got close at some points though, but then i would just get an itch or something and i would get unrelaxed after moving. I also found it hard to visualize one thing and keep the image clear in my mind. Suggestions appreciated! I really want to do this.
Also some questions.
While having an LD, am i sleeping? During an LD do i get good precious sleep hours as well?
During an LD am i making all the real time choices, or is it more just like i am more aware of a normal dream. Im not sure if i can do whatever i want in the dream, on the spot, or just like think of it alot before having the LD.
The easiest way to explain is Just do it!! Just close your eyes, relax , and make sure you stay concious by counting. don’t get too worried whether this is right, or when your going to a dream etc,. The main point is just to stay unconcious in whatever way, and suddenly the dream will start. Obviously, you must not move and try not itch etc.
You are definitley sleeping during an LD, and you sleep well. There is no diffrence if two people fall asleep at the same time and wake up at the same time, one who had a LD and one who didn’t. They both get the same amount of sleep and feel the same.
It is hard to explain, but you shouldn’t think about the questions. Don’t worry if it will be too real or anything, when you get an LD, all your questions will dissapear.
For me WILD’ing is much easier in the morning after about 6 hours or more sleep, you should try it then you may yield better results. I’ve attempted it just before I’ve slept multiple times, but have never been sucessful (although a few people on this forum have) … I hear it takes great concentration and patience.
Anyways keep at it or try it in the morning … Good luck