Help - eye trouble when trying to LD

moved from stuff forum … and title made clearer :moogle:

I am new to the whole lucid dream stuff. I’ve been trying to remember my dreams latley and started a little journal. Its still difficult to remember them. When I do remember them after I wake up after 5 hours of sleep, Ill try to fall back to sleep to try and have a lucid dream but my right eye always spazes out when ever i close it. Its very annoying. Can anyone tip me on what to do?

Im not completely sure what to do, but maybe you think of it to much. Try not to think about your right eye, im not saying you do think about it either.

Just relax your entire body, theres an exercise on how to do this on the main sight. Relax your face muscles most of all because of your eye twitching problem. Like said above, don’t think about it. Ignore the twitchiness, and proceed with trying to LD.